Continuing the 7th Session Program, on the afternoon of May 30, under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly discussed in the hall a number of contents with different opinions of the draft Law on National Defense Industry, Security and Industrial Mobilization.
Participating in giving comments, National Assembly Deputy Mai Van Hai, Provincial Party Committee member, Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Thanh Hoa province basically agreed with the report on explanation, acceptance and revision of the draft law of the National Assembly Standing Committee.
Comments on the principle in Clause 6, Article 5: “Closely linking and maximizing the capacity of the defense industry and the security industry, ensuring practical efficiency and avoiding duplication in investment in construction and development of the defense and security industry”. Delegate Mai Van Hai said that this is a very important principle in investment in the development of the defense and security industry, avoiding ineffective duplication of investment, but the delegate suggested that it is necessary to review the contents of the draft law to be consistent with this principle, such as Clause 14, Article 3, explaining the words that still have overlap in the connotation of the concepts of “defense production”, “security production”, “technical equipment and weapons”, “technical means of operation”. At the same time, in the activities of the defense industry and security industry such as assigning tasks, placing orders, bidding (Articles 15, 16, 17 of the draft Law), policies on science and technology activities (Section 3, Chapter IV), international cooperation (Chapter V) are regulated but there is no clear distinction or separation between the defense industry and the security industry.
Furthermore, in reality, the defense industry and the security industry currently have common products, so it is necessary to clearly separate the tasks of the defense industry and the security industry to ensure the enforcement of regulations. According to the summary report on the construction and development of the security industry, the current security industry is mainly small-scale, so in order to meet the requirements of the future tasks of the Public Security, it is necessary to stipulate specific and outstanding mechanisms and policies to create development momentum.
To avoid duplicate production of products, delegate Mai Van Hai suggested that the tasks of the security industry should be specified in a number of areas of research and production of technical means, network security, and support tools for the police force and other law enforcement forces. Consider and weigh the regulation of the security industry producing and repairing weapons in this draft Law because it overlaps with the tasks of the defense industry. In case the security industry is still regulated to produce and repair weapons, it is necessary to clearly define which types of weapons are produced by the defense industry and which types of weapons are produced by the security industry. It is recommended that regulations be continued to be reviewed to avoid duplication in investment and production according to the above principles.
Clause 2, Article 21 stipulates that the State shall ensure sufficient initial charter capital, additional investment and increased charter capital from the State budget for core defense industrial establishments and core security industrial establishments. This is a very important content, the issue of charter capital is a content that needs to be resolved to expand the development of defense and security industrial enterprises. According to the summary report of the Defense Industry Ordinance, there are a number of core defense industrial establishments that have not been provided with sufficient initial charter capital or defense enterprises were established with initial charter capital that is too low, not meeting the development requirements of defense and security industrial enterprises. The implementation of capital increase for defense industrial establishments and security industrial establishments to date has encountered many difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, regulations on supplementing and increasing charter capital for core defense industrial establishments and core security industrial establishments are necessary.
However, in addition to using the State budget, it is recommended to study and add content on the mechanism for increasing charter capital directly from the source of post-tax profits of defense and security industry enterprises or other legally mobilized sources to reduce pressure on the State budget, or it is possible to study and add regulations on increasing charter capital from the Defense and Security Industry Fund.
Quoc Huong
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