The content was raised by delegates at the 7th Conference of full-time National Assembly delegates taking place this afternoon (March 25) when discussing the draft Law on Teachers (amended).
Accordingly, the draft Law stipulates that teachers in preschools, if they wish, can retire at a lower age, but not more than 5 years older, and the percentage of pension benefits when retiring early will not be reduced if they have paid social insurance for 20 years or more.

Delegate Mai Thanh Hai (Thanh Hoa delegation).
National Assembly Deputy Mai Van Hai (Thanh Hoa Delegation) expressed concern when the draft law added a condition for preschool teachers to retire early, which is to have paid social insurance for at least 20 years. Meanwhile, according to the current Law on Social Insurance, employees only need to pay for 15 years to receive a pension.
" I went to meet voters and no one wanted to work any more. The teacher just wanted to retire at 55 years old. What regulations are needed so that preschool teachers find it convenient to apply for early retirement ?", said the delegate.
National Assembly member Le Thi Thanh Lam (Hau Giang delegation) proposed that, in addition to preschool teachers, the draft law should add the right for primary school teachers to retire early, no more than 5 years. " This issue has also been proposed by many voters who are primary school teachers ," Ms. Le Thi Thanh Lam stated.
From the perspective of law-making, National Assembly Deputy Le Thanh Hoan (Thanh Hoa Delegation) said that it is not necessary to have separate regulations on early retirement for preschool teachers in the draft Law on Teachers.
Mr. Le Thanh Toan cited Clause 3, Article 169 of the Labor Code, which stipulates that employees with reduced working capacity; working in particularly arduous, toxic, or dangerous jobs; working in arduous, toxic, or dangerous jobs; working in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions can retire at a lower age, but not more than 5 years older than the prescribed age, and the Government will provide detailed regulations.
" If the Government thinks that teaching at preschools is a difficult profession, the Government can completely regulate it according to its authority, " said the delegate.
Emphasizing the spirit of the National Assembly only regulating contents under the authority of the National Assembly, Mr. Le Thanh Toan proposed to remove the regulation in Clause 2, Article 28 and there is no need to amend or supplement Article 66 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024 (effective from July 1).
According to the report on some major issues in receiving, explaining and revising the draft Law on Teachers (amended), many opinions agree with the policy of early retirement according to the law for preschool teachers. However, it is proposed to add the criterion that teachers must have paid social insurance for 20 years or more to be eligible for early retirement and not have their pension rate deducted.
Besides, there are concerns about the resources to ensure the implementation of this policy and it is necessary to ensure the principle of contribution and benefit according to the Law on Social Insurance.
The Standing Committee of the Committee believes that allowing preschool teachers to retire earlier than the age prescribed by law is a policy built on the characteristics of their professional activities and is suitable for the characteristics of preschool learners.
In response to the opinions of National Assembly deputies, Clause 2, Article 28 of the draft Law amends and supplements the regulation that teachers in preschool education institutions, if they wish, can retire at an age lower than the retirement age of employees under normal conditions, but not more than 5 years, and the percentage of pension benefits will not be reduced due to early retirement if they have paid social insurance for 20 years or more.
At the same time, the draft Law amends and supplements Clause 3a after Clause 3, Article 66 of the Law on Social Insurance in the transitional provisions to ensure consistency and synchronization in the legal system.
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