Early marriage and consanguineous marriage not only adversely affect the health of mothers and children but also reduce the quality of the population and are barriers to the socio-economic development goals of the locality. In recent years, the Youth Union of Tan Son district has actively participated in many specific and practical activities, strengthening propaganda to gradually eliminate early marriage and consanguineous marriage in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
Propaganda sessions on early marriage and incestuous marriage are dramatized at cultural exchange programs between communes.
Tam Thanh commune has 792 households with 3,160 people, of which ethnic minorities account for nearly 70%. In previous years, due to the limited economic conditions of the families and the educational level of the people, the commune still had the situation of ethnic minority families getting married early. According to Vice Chairman of the Commune People's Committee Ha Van Toan, "Nearly ten years ago, the situation of early marriage in the commune was still high due to the influence of customs, practices and backward concepts in marriage. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge about reproductive knowledge among adolescents, some cases of unwanted pregnancies had to drop out of school to get married."
Implementing Sub-Project 2 under Project 9 of the National Target Program on Socio-Economic Development of Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas, Tam Thanh Commune has had specific plans to implement the reduction of child marriage, consanguineous marriage and women under 18 giving birth such as: Launching emulation movements, signing commitments on preventing child marriage and consanguineous marriage to each household in villages and schools in the area.
Tam Thanh Commune Youth Union propagates the Law on Marriage and Family, prevention of child marriage and incestuous marriage to the people.
The Youth Union, the Women's Union of the commune... have actively coordinated to strengthen propaganda activities, provide information, disseminate laws, communicate, mobilize, advise, intervene, and support, in order to raise awareness and change behavior, increase access to information and mobilize community participation, especially among young people. Create a close connection in communication and education work between families, communities and society. Include the goals and tasks of implementing the Law on Marriage and Family; the project to reduce child marriage in the annual socio-economic development programs and plans of the locality.
In 2024, Tan Son District Youth Union coordinated with units to organize the Contest to Learn about the Law on Marriage, Early Marriage and Consanguineous Marriage. Organized 50 communication and propaganda campaigns on the Law on Marriage and Family, Early Marriage and Consanguineous Marriage in 5 communes: Kim Thuong, Xuan Dai, Thu Cuc, Thu Ngac, My Thuan. 6 seminars, cultural and artistic exchanges to propagate the restriction of early marriage and consanguineous marriage in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 5 commune clusters: Lai Dong, Kim Thuong, Thu Ngac, Thach Kiet, Tam Thanh and in My A area, Thu Cuc commune, attracting 200-300 union members, youth and people to participate.
At the seminars and propaganda exchanges, participants watched films and stories about the lives of people with early marriages, the consequences of incestuous marriages, and watched propaganda skits to help people and youth union members better understand the prevention of early marriages and incestuous marriages. In particular, all knowledge was visually disseminated by union members and youth in local languages, creating conditions for participants to easily listen, understand, and access.
Tan Son District Youth Union launched a mobile campaign to disseminate information about the Law on Marriage and Family, preventing child marriage and incestuous marriage.
Along with that, the People's Committees of communes have developed plans to implement the project's contents; strengthened the team of propagandists; coordinated to open training courses and conferences to provide information on the Law on Marriage and Family, the risks and consequences of early marriage and consanguineous marriage for commune population officials, collaborators, and people in villages and residential areas. Propaganda and education on health, gender, marriage, family, and the consequences of early marriage and consanguineous marriage have been strengthened and promoted on mass media, social networks, etc., contributing to raising awareness and changing behavior on early marriage and consanguineous marriage in ethnic minority areas.
Agencies and units in the area have coordinated well in propaganda, training, inspection, review and statistics on cases of giving birth before the age of 18 and those at risk of early marriage. Schools, medical units and population units regularly organize consultations and talks to raise awareness among union members and young people, especially adolescents and young adults, about reproductive health care and sexual health, so that they can become active propagandists to prevent early marriage and incestuous marriage with friends and relatives. Thanks to that, the situation of early marriage and giving birth before the age of 18 has decreased significantly.
Comrade Ha Van Hung - Deputy Secretary of Tan Son District Youth Union said: "In recent times, the District Youth Union and prestigious units and people in the district have promoted communication activities to prevent and combat child marriage in the areas and villages; focusing on changing the thinking and behavior of parents and young people and adolescents about marriage. Directing the commune and town Youth Unions and the Junior High and High School Youth Unions to organize communication forums, mock trials, extracurricular activities, and dramatizations on preventing and combating child marriage for young people and students. Through the Youth Union branch meetings, the Youth Union bases also coordinate with the authorities to propagate and integrate knowledge about marriage, family, and reproductive health for young people to grasp and implement. In addition, the Executive Committee of the Commune and Town Youth Union also goes to the homes of young people to propagate and mobilize. Thanks to that, many cases of intending to marry early have been prevented in time".
Thu Giang
Source: https://baophutho.vn/day-manh-tuyen-truyen-giam-thieu-tao-hon-hon-nhan-can-huyet-thong-224985.htm
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