2025 is the year of acceleration and breakthrough to reach the target of the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2021 - 2025. This is also the year when many important events of the country and Bac Kan province will take place (the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party; 50 years of the liberation of the South, national reunification; 135th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's birthday, 80th anniversary of the founding of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; 125th anniversary of the founding of Bac Kan province...), especially in the year, party congresses at all levels will take place, leading up to the 14th National Congress of the Party.
The National Day for National Security Protection attracts a large number of people from all walks of life to participate.
Therefore, since the end of 2024, the Provincial Party Standing Committee has issued a Resolution on leading the task of protecting political security, ensuring social order and safety and building the Public Security force in 2025, requiring absolute protection of the safety of Party congresses at all levels towards the 13th Provincial Party Congress and the 14th National Party Congress; protecting Party and State leaders and international delegations visiting and working in the locality; protecting key targets, major holidays, and important political and social events taking place in the locality .
In early 2025, the Provincial People's Committee issued a Plan to promote the Movement of All People Protecting National Security to promote the role and responsibility of all levels and sectors in preventing and combating crimes and social evils, building a people's security posture associated with a solid national defense posture, serving the goals and tasks of socio-economic development, national defense and security of the province.
The Provincial People's Committee requests departments, branches, sectors, unions, People's Committees of districts and cities to identify the work of building the Movement for the Whole People to Protect National Security as a key task and include it in the 2025 work program and plan for effective implementation. Agencies, units and localities need to step up propaganda and education for cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, workers and people to strictly comply with the provisions of the law on security and order. Continue to innovate the content of propaganda, dissemination and education of law with the motto of being concise, brief, vivid, attractive, easy to understand, easy to remember, easy to apply, suitable for each locality and each subject.
The propaganda content focuses on the following issues: Complying with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, and local regulations on security and order; raising awareness of the "Peaceful Evolution" plot of hostile forces; preventing and combating "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the organization; knowledge of the plots and tricks of various crimes against social order, drug crimes and social evils such as fraud, gambling using high technology via social networks, loan sharking tricks of subjects hiding under the guise of businesses, financial support facilities, consequences of "black credit"...; promoting examples of good people, good deeds, advanced models and examples that have contributed to the work of ensuring security and order.
Focus on grasping the situation, proactively coordinating to effectively resolve security and order issues related to religion, ethnicity, rural areas, and workers, not allowing bad guys to take advantage of loopholes and shortcomings to complicate security and order at the grassroots level. Focus on consolidating and building the political system at the grassroots level; strengthen mobilization, enlisting prestigious people; coordinate propaganda to mobilize people to participate in maintaining security and order, protecting the safety of major political events of the locality and the country; respond to peak periods of attacking and suppressing crime; implement national programs on crime prevention, drug prevention, prostitution, and human trafficking; actively detect, combat, and denounce crimes; participate in reforming, educating, and helping people who have completed their prison sentences to reintegrate into the community, and mobilize subjects to surrender; voluntarily hand over weapons, explosives, support tools and participate in building advanced models and examples in the Movement for the Whole People to Protect National Security.
Promoting the core role in building the Movement of All People Protecting National Security, the Provincial Police continue to carry out the task of building a typical and exemplary Ward Police in terms of security, order and urban civilization; consolidating and maintaining the operation of effective models such as "Safe households, peaceful villages, hamlets and residential groups"; "Management, supervision and education of people who have completed their prison sentences and returned to their localities to reintegrate into the community"; "Linking to ensure security and order"; "Accommodation businesses; landlords and rental houses self-manage security and order"...
One of the highlights of the National Movement for National Security Protection is the National Security Protection Day, an annual event that is maintained and organized, attracting a large number of people from all walks of life to participate in preventing crimes and social evils to protect order and security right from the grassroots level. In 2025, the Provincial Police will coordinate with the People's Committees of districts and cities to organize 3 provincial-level model festivals (2 points in communes/wards, 1 point in agencies); the People's Committees of districts and cities will organize 2 district-level model festivals (1 point in communes/wards and 1 point in agencies); 100% of the People's Committees of communes will organize festivals at their level.
Also in the first month of 2025, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Dang Binh - Head of the Provincial Steering Committee 138 launched the emulation movement of All people protecting national security in the province in 2025, in which specific goals are identified to strive to achieve:
100% of agencies, units, localities, and enterprises organize the launch of the emulation movement "All people protect national security"; 100% of agencies, units, localities (commune level), and enterprises register to meet the "Security and order safety" standard; over 90% of residential areas, communes, wards, towns, agencies, enterprises, and educational institutions meet the "Security and order safety" standard; less than 10% do not meet the "Security and order safety" standard.
Over 80% of agencies, units, and localities (district and commune levels) are assessed and classified as having the National Movement for the Protection of National Security at the level of "Fair" or higher; less than 20% are classified as "Average" or lower.
For provincial departments, branches, sectors and organizations: Strive for at least 1 agency (in the bloc of Party, State and socio-political organizations) and 1 agency/enterprise (in the bloc of agencies, enterprises and economic organizations) to be recognized as a typical example of the Provincial Movement for the Protection of National Security by All People.
For districts and cities: Strive for 1 unit (commune/ward/town/agency/enterprise/educational institution) to be recognized as a typical example of the National Movement to Protect National Security at the provincial level and to recognize at least 1 unit (commune/ward/town/agency/enterprise/educational institution) as a typical example of the National Movement to Protect National Security at the district/city level…/.
Source: https://backan.gov.vn/Pages/day-manh-phong-trao-toan-dan-bao-ve-an-ninh-to-quo-71a3.aspx
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