DNVN - On December 18, the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) held a workshop on "Orientation of digital transformation at the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations in the coming time".
According to Mr. Le Cong Luong, Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Science, Technology and Environment Department of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations has applied many management technologies in recent times, including accounting software, party member management and digital signatures. However, most of the work is still based on paper documents and there is no complete document management software system, causing many processing procedures to be manual. Although the official website is regularly updated, it is still not optimal in both interface and function, and has not yet promoted its role as an important communication channel.
The online meeting equipment system also revealed limitations, only meeting small-scale internal meetings and not ensuring stable connections. During conferences, the organization tested the use of QR codes to provide documents, helping to reduce printing costs and protect the environment. However, this solution is still fragmented and not integrated into a comprehensive digital transformation strategy.
Former Minister of Information and Communications Le Doan Hop affirmed that digital transformation can only be successful when there is strong commitment and leadership from leaders. He emphasized that leaders at all levels not only need to issue policies, but also directly participate in implementation and supervision, and focus on building a digital culture to turn digital transformation into a new working habit.
Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Innovation and Digital Transformation Hoang Huu Hanh assessed that the rich human resources and data of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations are the premise for becoming a pioneer in digital transformation. However, the general awareness in the system is still low, lacking consensus and systematic strategy, while the technology infrastructure has not met the requirements.
To address this issue, the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations needs to promptly complete a comprehensive digital transformation project for the 2025–2030 period, focusing on data digitization, upgrading technology infrastructure, and implementing staff training programs. An effective strategy will not only improve operational efficiency, but also contribute to promoting the digital transformation process of the entire science and technology system nationwide.
Ganoderma (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/cong-nghe/day-manh-chuyen-doi-so-tai-lien-hiep-cac-hoi-khoa-hoc-va-ky-thuat-viet-nam/20241219093101246
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