GĐXH - After consulting and evaluating the patient's condition, the doctors decided to perform surgery to remove the entire spleen to remove the cyst.
Recently, doctors at Xuyen A General Hospital in Vinh Long announced that they had successfully performed surgery on a female patient, PTC (53 years old, Thai Binh) diagnosed with polycystic splenomegaly. The patient was hospitalized due to prolonged abdominal pain.
A year ago, Ms. C. felt pain in the left lower rib area for a long time, often bloated, and had abdominal discomfort. She went to a local hospital and was diagnosed with a splenic cyst and advised to have surgery, but she did not agree to the intervention.
Recently, the symptoms of abdominal pain appeared more frequently, affecting her health and life, so she decided to go to the hospital for examination.
Abdominal CT scan image, results show abnormally enlarged spleen. Photo: BVCC
At the General Surgery Clinic, the patient was ordered to have an abdominal CT scan. The results showed an abnormally enlarged spleen, occupying most of the left abdomen, accompanied by many large cysts.
After consulting and assessing the patient's condition, the doctors decided to perform surgery to remove the entire spleen to remove the cyst. Because the patient's spleen was too large, the doctor chose an open surgery with an incision of about 15cm, removing the entire spleen weighing 1,300 grams, which is 40 times larger than a normal spleen (weighing only about 32 grams).
Just one day after the surgery, the patient's health had recovered very well, with no more pain in the lower ribs or bloating or abdominal discomfort as before. The patient was also able to move and eat normally.
Image of a 1,300 gram splenic cyst removed from a patient. Photo: BVCC
Are splenic cysts preventable?
Splenic cyst is a rare lesion of the spleen, affecting only about 0.5% - 2% of the population. The cause of splenic cyst formation can be due to:
Parasitic infection : Mainly caused by small tapeworms from animals such as dogs, cats, rodents.
Non-parasitic: Congenital cysts, lymphatic cysts or vascular abnormalities.
There are currently no specific preventive measures. However, to reduce the risk of infection, people should:
- Maintain personal hygiene and eat clean food.
- Limit exposure to sources of parasitic infection.
- Regular health check-ups to detect abnormalities early.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/dau-tuc-vung-ha-suon-trai-nguoi-phu-nu-53-tuoi-di-kham-bat-ngo-phat-hien-u-nang-lach-khung-172250321113935652.htm
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