'When the kidneys are damaged, the body will show some unusual signs in the morning'. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
Starting the day with health news , readers can also read more articles: How to boil eggs deliciously and healthily; Why is coffee so good for muscles?; Should you supplement calcium and vitamin D at the same time?...
5 unusual signs of kidney damage that appear in the morning
Kidney disease causes damage to the kidneys, making them unable to perform important functions, including filtering blood, balancing pH, regulating salt and potassium, and secreting hormones. Kidney damage can progress silently over time.
People with diabetes and high blood pressure are at higher risk of kidney disease. When the kidneys are damaged, the body will show some unusual signs in the morning.
Bad breath can be a sign of kidney disease
Morning signs warning of kidney disease include:
Facial swelling. If a person notices that their face is slightly swollen in the morning, this is not normal. Swelling is one of the symptoms of kidney disease. In addition to the face, other places on the body that can swell are the ankles and feet. This is due to the kidney's impaired filtering function, leading to fluid retention in the body.
Foamy urine. Another morning sign of kidney disease is foamy urine or small bubbles. This is because damaged kidneys cause protein to leak into the urine, leading to proteinuria. The next content of this article will be on the health page on March 2.
Why is coffee so good for muscles?
In addition to being good for the brain and heart, the latest research shows that coffee also helps maintain muscle.
Researchers looked at data on coffee consumption and muscle mass of more than 8,000 adults in the United States. They found that those who drank at least two cups of coffee a day (or 240 ml) had about a tenth more muscle mass than those who didn't.
Professor Keith Godfrey, Head of Nutrition, Lifestyle and Metabolism at the Southampton Biomedical Research Centre at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (UK), said coffee would have a positive effect on frailty and muscle strength. From a metabolic perspective, it reduces the tendency to develop type 2 diabetes.
Drinking coffee can help maintain muscle
Although scientists are cautiously calling for larger studies to confirm this more definitively, they believe there are plausible mechanisms behind the findings for now.
According to them, coffee likely increases the process by which our cells break down and rebuild, which is important for maintaining muscle. Coffee's anti-inflammatory properties may also be a factor, as inflammation is known to weaken muscles. More on this article on health on March 2.
Research: The healthiest and most delicious way to boil eggs
Researchers have found the optimal way to boil eggs, which produces a better texture and higher nutritional content than traditional methods.
Boiling eggs evenly is a challenge because the yolk and white cook at different temperatures, with the white at 85°C and the yolk at 65°C.
Scientists have found the optimal way to boil eggs, creating a better texture and higher nutritional content than traditional methods.
Pellegrino Musto, research director at the Italian National Research Council, and a team from the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), used fluid dynamics simulations to design an improved boiling process. Their method involves alternating the eggs between boiling water (100°C) and cold water (30°C) every 2 minutes for a total of 32 minutes.
The process, called “alternative boiling,” was tested against traditional methods of boiling eggs, such as hard-boiled, soft-boiled, and slow-boiled at low temperatures sous vide. Advanced techniques were then used to analyze the texture, flavor, and chemical composition of the boiled eggs from each method. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/ngay-moi-voi-tin-tuc-suc-khoe-dau-hieu-benh-than-thuong-xuat-hien-buoi-sang-185250301231700892.htm
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