According to information from the family, before being hospitalized, patient VTH had symptoms of headache for many days, took medicine but did not get better.
After being taken to Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital, the patient underwent clinical tests and MRI scans, the results showed that the patient had a very large meningioma in the left temporal fossa, approximately 50mm x 70mm in size.
Brain tumors need to be detected early for treatment (photo source internet).
Recognizing that this was a difficult case, the tumor was located deep and had invaded the cavernous sinus and the internal carotid artery sheath, the doctors of the Department of Cranio-Spinal Surgery consulted and decided to perform surgery to remove the tumor.
The surgery lasted for 8 hours and was successful. Doctors opened the skull, dura mater, and peeled off the cerebral cortex to expose the tumor. They then used a microscope to remove the entire tumor, ensuring the safety of the healthy brain area.
One day after surgery, the patient was fully awake, eating and drinking by himself and starting to practice sitting and walking.
Doctor Dang Viet Son - Head of the Department of Cranio-Spinal Surgery said: "The tumor in the patient's brain is very large, growing deep into the brain tissue, located in an area close to many blood vessel systems, so the risk of bleeding during surgery is very high.
However, with close coordination between the surgeon and the anesthesiologist, the surgery was successful.
VTH patient was taken to the hospital for timely surgery, helping to reduce the risk of complications.
With large brain tumors, patients need to have surgery to remove the tumor as soon as possible because the growing tumor will compress and cause clinical symptoms such as: headache, nausea, blurred vision, weakness or paralysis of half of the body, convulsions, sensory disturbances and more seriously, it can cause loss of consciousness, coma and even death.
Through the case of patient VTH, Dr. Dang Viet Son recommends that when there are symptoms of prolonged headaches accompanied by changes in personality and motor deficits, patients should go to hospitals that can diagnose brain tumors for timely detection and treatment, avoiding unfortunate complications.
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