For the question: Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast, a dental expert said that brushing your teeth after breakfast or drinking coffee is best, according to the New York Post.
Dr Jay Joshi, a brilliant young dentist, dental lecturer and therapist at MKDental Dental Clinic (UK), says: Brushing your teeth after breakfast is good for your oral health because it helps protect your teeth from potential damage caused by acidic foods and drinks.
Brushing teeth after breakfast and drinking coffee is best.
Rinsing down acidic foods, like lemon juice or coffee that people often drink first thing in the morning - is key to preventing enamel from softening and damaging teeth.
But brushing your teeth right after breakfast is equally harmful, as it can damage your teeth because the enamel is more vulnerable at this time.
Dr. Joshi advises: It's best to wait about 30 minutes after breakfast before brushing your teeth, according to the New York Post.
This allows enough time for saliva to neutralize the acid and help stabilize tooth enamel, reducing the risk of damage.
It is best to wait about 30 minutes after breakfast before brushing your teeth.
Brushing your teeth after breakfast also creates a psychological barrier against snacking, which is beneficial to oral health. It can prevent mindless eating and promote better meal planning.
Brushing your teeth after breakfast also helps remove leftover food particles, which prevents bacteria from growing and plaque that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Although waiting 30 minutes after breakfast to brush your teeth isn't very convenient when you're rushing to work, it's actually the best thing you can do for your oral health.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to maintain a thorough and consistent oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups, says Dr. Joshi.
And the appropriate time to brush your teeth also depends on the actual oral health needs, eating habits and preferences of each person.
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