At the conference, Colonel Le Huy Sinh - Political Commissar, Party Secretary of Coast Guard Region 2 fully grasped the contents including: Regulation 144 associated with the results of 3 years of implementing Conclusion No. 01 dated May 18, 2021 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 05-dated May 15, 2016 of the Politburo on promoting studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle; results of 2 years of implementing Resolution No. 847 dated December 28, 2021 of the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers", resolutely fighting against individualism in the new situation; results of implementing Conclusion No. 21 of the 13th Party Central Committee on promoting Party building and rectification and the political system; Resolutely prevent, repel, and strictly handle cadres and party members who have degraded political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, and who show signs of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation"; Regulation No. 37 dated October 25, 2021 of the 13th Party Central Committee on things that party members are not allowed to do in the entire regional Command.
The Secretary of the Party Committee of Coast Guard Region 2 assigned leaders of Party committees at all levels to continue to directly preside over, direct and take responsibility for the quality of dissemination and propaganda of Regulation 144; specify the criteria of the standard into resolutions and plans of Party committees, Party organizations and commanders at all levels in accordance with the functions, tasks and practical situations of agencies and units.

Every year, Party committees and inspection committees at all levels inspect and supervise the implementation of Regulation 144 for Party organizations and Party members. At the same time, they continue to effectively direct the implementation of resolutions, directives and conclusions on Party building and rectification work. Identifying the implementation of Regulation 144 as one of the important criteria for emulation and reward evaluation; evaluating, commenting and classifying the quality of cadres, Party members and Party organizations.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/dang-uy-vung-canh-sat-bien-2-to-chuc-hoc-tap-quan-triet-quy-dinh-chuan-muc-dao-duc-cach-mang-cua-can-bo-dang-vien-trong-tinh-hinh-moi-3139216.html
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