Over the years, the Party Committee of the 3rd Corps has always attached importance to leading the building of Party committees and organizations at all levels that are strong in politics, ideology, ethics, organization and personnel with many creative and practical policies and solutions.
Cheerleading activities at the training ground of the Youth Union members of the 3rd Army Corps. Photo: qdnd.vn |
Notably, the Party Committee and Party Committees at all levels have led and directed the effective implementation of the "4 good" grassroots Party organization model (good completion of political tasks; good quality of activities; good solidarity and discipline; good cadres and Party members). Focusing on management, education, and training of Party members in conjunction with implementing the routine of inspection, supervision, and Party discipline enforcement... Thanks to the correct policies and synchronous solutions, in 2022, the Party Committee of Army Corps 3 had 92.17% of Party organizations completing their tasks well and excellently; 91.97% of Standing Committees and Party Committees at all levels completing their tasks well and excellently; 92.85% of Party members completing their tasks well and excellently.
In the coming time, the Party Committee of the 3rd Corps will continue to review, revise, supplement and strictly implement the working regulations and leadership regulations for key work aspects. Promote innovation to improve the quality of resolution-making activities according to the following requirements: Closely follow the tasks and practical situation, clearly identify breakthrough solutions to address weaknesses, weak points and responsibilities of the presiding agency and coordinating agencies, avoid overlapping and omission of tasks. Strengthen leadership, direction, inspection and supervision in the implementation of resolutions of Party committees and grassroots Party organizations.
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