"Tree form" or "tree forest", many people do not know if the word is actually a correct spelling.
Vietnamese confuses many people when writing, because many words are pronounced the same. Many people are confused, not knowing whether to write "dăng cây" or "răng cây" to get the correct spelling.
This is a noun, denoting the image of a long row of trees planted one after another.
So what do you think is the correct word? Leave your answer in the comment box below.
Answer to the previous question: "Separate" or "separate"?
"Tách điếu" is a misspelling and makes absolutely no sense. Also, this word does not appear in the Vietnamese dictionary.
The correct answer is "separate". This is a verb that describes the action of dividing things or phenomena from their original state.
Source: https://vtcnews.vn/dang-cay-hay-rang-cay-moi-dung-chinh-ta-ar929863.html
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