Specifically, the Center for Continuing Education and Vocational Training announced the revocation of 1,212 certificates of basic information technology application according to "Decision 109/QD-SGDĐT, dated February 20, 2024 of the Department of Education and Training (GD - DT) Dak Nong on the revocation of certificates of basic information technology application".
These 1,212 certificates were issued by the Department of Education and Training to students who took the exam and met the requirements of the exam courses from July 7, 2019 to October 18, 2020 at the Examination Council of the Center for Continuing Education and Vocational Training, Dak Nong Province.
The reason for revoking these 1,212 certificates is that the issuer did not have the authority to issue them. The revoked certificates will be submitted to the Department of Education and Training of Dak Nong province. The individuals on the list, after returning their certificates, will be reissued new certificates by the Center for Continuing Education and Vocational Training, according to the form of the Ministry of Education and Training.
According to Joint Circular No. 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Training: "Regulations on organizing exams and granting certificates of information technology application", Clause 2, Article 17 stipulates the authority to manage and grant certificates: Heads of examination centers where candidates take the exam have the authority to grant and revoke certificates for qualified candidates according to the approved list. However, the above 1,212 basic information technology application certificates were signed by the Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training of Dak Nong province. Meanwhile, the authority to sign and grant certificates is performed by the Director of the Center for Continuing Education - Vocational Training, Secondary Education of Dak Nong province.
Source: https://baodaknong.vn/dak-nong-thu-hoi-1-212-chung-chi-ung-dung-cong-nghe-thong-tin-co-ban-230954.html
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