On December 26, the Provincial Party Standing Committee held an expanded meeting of the Provincial Party Executive Committee to review the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee on a number of issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently.
Comrades: Nguyen Dinh Trung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Huynh Thi Chien Hoa - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Ngoc Nghi - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Thuong Hai - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Board co-chaired the conference.
Conference scene.
In recent times, with the determination and efforts of Party committees, Party organizations and heads of agencies and units, the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW in Dak Lak province has achieved many important results, creating positive changes in innovation, restructuring of the apparatus, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the operations of agencies, units and organizations in the political system, associated with innovation in the Party's leadership methods, building and perfecting the socialist rule of law state.
Party committees and authorities at all levels and sectors have actively deployed, organized, implemented synchronously, drastically, scientifically, seriously, systematically, closely, with focus, key points, and a roadmap suitable for many good and creative ways of doing things, promoting the role of each agency and unit. The organization of the apparatus within agencies and units has been streamlined, reducing focal points; functions and tasks have been reviewed and adjusted reasonably, overcoming the situation of duplication and overlap of functions, tasks, and management areas. A number of public service units have been arranged with appropriate models, and the implementation of the autonomy mechanism has initially had positive results.
Provincial leaders chaired the conference.
The Provincial Party Standing Committee has directed, reviewed, and improved the organizational structure in the direction of streamlining the advisory and support agencies of the Provincial Party Committee and district-level Party Committees, and specifically stipulating the names and frameworks for each advisory and support agency. In addition, the province has piloted models such as: the Party Secretary is also the Chairman of the People's Council; the Head of the Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee is also the Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the provincial and district levels; the Head of the Propaganda Department is also the Director of the District-level Political Training Center; the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc and the Party Committee of the Provincial Enterprises Bloc are merged...
For the local government sector, 100% of administrative agencies have been rearranged and reorganized according to regulations. Of which, the provincial level has reduced 24 departments, 6 branches under the department, reduced 40 departments and equivalents under the branch; the district level has reduced 2 ethnic departments, 8 health departments; implemented the model of Public Administration Service Center. The province has also rearranged commune-level administrative units in the 2023-2025 period from 184 communes and wards to 180 communes and wards; from 2,481 villages, hamlets, and residential groups to 2,198, reducing 283 villages, hamlets, and residential groups...
Regarding staff streamlining, by 2021, the province has completed the plan to streamline 10% of the staff compared to 2015; at the same time, linking staff streamlining with organizational arrangement and restructuring of the staff, civil servants and public employees, contributing to reducing state budget expenditures.
Secretary of Buon Ho Town Party Committee Nguyen Thi Thu Nguyet spoke at the conference.
In addition to the achievements, the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW in Dak Lak province still has limitations and difficulties such as: Some Party committees, Party organizations, authorities, localities and units do not have unity in perception and action; some localities have developed programs and plans that are still general and not specific; the inspection and supervision of the implementation of regulations and instructions on innovation, restructuring of the apparatus, and streamlining of staff are not regular and effective...
In the coming time, Dak Lak province will continue to arrange and streamline agencies and units according to the conclusion of the Central Steering Committee on summarizing the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW.
Concluding the conference, Party Central Committee member and Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Dinh Trung emphasized that, in response to the requirements and tasks for the country to enter a new era, an era of strong national development, the Party Central Committee and the Politburo have given strong direction in implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW with orientations on streamlining the apparatus, efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Party Central Committee member, Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Dinh Trung spoke at the conference.
To effectively carry out the following tasks on organizational restructuring, comrade Nguyen Dinh Trung requested all levels, sectors and localities to urgently carry out tasks with the spirit of "Running while lining up", "Only discussing work, not retreating", "The Central does not wait for the provincial level, the provincial level does not wait for the district level, the district level does not wait for the grassroots level", "The Central sets an example, the localities respond". In the process of carrying out tasks, it is necessary to closely follow the principles of the Party, the Platform, the Statutes, the Constitution, the law and practical requirements.
Party committees, party organizations, agencies, units and especially leaders need to urgently and focus on leading and directing the implementation of reviewing the current situation and developing a plan to streamline the internal organization within the scope and field of leadership and management (to be completed before January 15, 2025); proactively develop a project to implement the arrangement of focal points within agencies, units and organizations within the scope of leadership and management with similar functions and tasks (striving to reduce at least 15% of the number of internal organizational focal points); have an effective mechanism to screen and remove from work those who do not have sufficient qualities, capacity and prestige; effectively implement policies and solutions to attract and employ people with outstanding abilities.
In addition, it is necessary to carry out well the political, ideological work and policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers when streamlining the organizational apparatus, in the spirit of "leaving no one behind". Party committees, party organizations, agencies and units, directly the heads, focus on directing and urgently and resolutely implementing tasks, ensuring that agencies, units and organizations from the province to the grassroots level after the reorganization operate smoothly, ensuring effectiveness and efficiency; widely and specifically propagate the revolution of streamlining the organizational apparatus in accordance with the policies of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo, creating a high spread, consensus and unity among cadres, party members and people...
Source: https://daklak.gov.vn/-/-ak-lak-khan-truong-hoan-thanh-viec-xay-dung-phuong-an-sap-xep-tinh-gon-to-chuc-bo-may
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