On the morning of the Natural Science exam, while other candidates were present at the exam site of My Huong High School to complete the procedures, HN was absent.
As soon as the Hanoi candidate was discovered not to be present in the exam room, the exam supervisor notified the exam site leaders to come up with a plan to support the candidate.
The clip records the efforts of the Traffic Police to get candidates to the exam site on time. |
Upon receiving the news, Captain Le Van Minh, Traffic Police Team of My Tu district quickly obtained information about HN's residence, and used a specialized vehicle of the Traffic Police force to quickly move to the candidate's house in My Thuan commune, about 15km from the exam site.
The reason HN was not present at the exam site was because of the pressure of studying and overslept. Luckily, thanks to the support of Captain Le Van Minh, candidate HN arrived at the exam site in time to complete the exam procedures according to the regulations of the National High School Graduation Exam.
Source: https://nhandan.vn/dai-uy-canh-sat-giao-thong-vuot-15km-dua-thi-sinh-den-diem-thi-kip-thoi-post816644.html
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