(NLDO)- Minister of National Defense Phan Van Giang requested agencies and parade and marching groups to continue to learn from some remaining issues.
On March 25, at the National Military Training Center 4 (TB4), General Phan Van Giang, Minister of National Defense, chaired an inspection of the joint parade and marching training of military units in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day.
General Phan Van Giang inspects the parade and marching practice
At the inspection, Minister of National Defense Phan Van Giang acknowledged and congratulated the efforts of all forces participating in the joint parade and marching training. At the same time, he affirmed that this was an honorable task and a glorious responsibility.
"A hundred people are as one, and we will bring this spirit and will to the victory anniversary and this belief and strength when we accept any mission, with the same determination as we are practicing today" - General Phan Van Giang emphasized.
The military ceremonial troupe performed a gun salute.
To successfully complete this special task, the Minister of National Defense requested agencies, blocks, and clusters to continue to learn from some remaining issues. Forces participating in the parade and marching need to continue to actively practice and master the command movements according to the tasks of each block and each force; closely combine training and joint training, overcome all difficulties, take advantage of all time to practice, and strictly enforce discipline.
The female information block practiced and marched in the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day.
Regarding the task of organizing and commanding the mobilization of forces into Ho Chi Minh City, General Phan Van Giang requested that this task must be organized and commanded to ensure strict and absolute safety. Regarding the mobilization plan, the Minister of National Defense requested that relevant agencies and units study and develop a plan to move to the South by train and out by plane.
Northern Women's Militia Bloc.
General Phan Van Giang emphasized that all efforts are recognized with the highest spirit and determination; at the same time, he assigned relevant agencies and units to focus on reviewing and ensuring timely and appropriate rewards; synthesizing rewards from 4 training clusters to continue considering rewards at higher levels.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/dai-tuong-phan-van-giang-bieu-duong-no-luc-cua-bo-doi-hop-luyen-dieu-binh-196250325200421591.htm
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