(CLO) The Government has just issued Decree No. 46/2025/ND-CP dated February 28, 2025, stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Voice of Vietnam (VOV). Accordingly, the organizational structure of the Voice of Vietnam has 21 units (reduced by 6 units); has a General Director and no more than 04 Deputy General Directors.
According to Decree 46/2025/ND-CP, VOV is a government agency, a national radio station, a key multimedia media agency performing the function of informing and propagating the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws; contributing to education, improving people's knowledge, serving the spiritual life of the people through radio programs, printed newspapers, and electronic newspapers.
Along with that, VOV has the following duties and powers: Decide and be responsible for the content, programs, daily broadcast time on VOV's program channels, coverage, and scope of domestic and foreign information impact; direct and guide VOV's affiliated press agencies to properly implement the principles, purposes, tasks, and directions of operation in accordance with the provisions of law.
Directly manage VOV's specialized technical system to produce content; transmit signals on telecommunications infrastructure, broadband internet; broadcast on terrestrial and satellite radio; provide on VOV's digital platform and other digital platforms domestic and international programs and channels in accordance with the law...
The Decree stipulates the organizational structure of VOV including 21 units: 1- Editorial Secretariat; 2- Organization and Personnel Department and International Cooperation; 3- Planning and Finance Department; 4- Office; 5- News Department (VOV1); 6- Culture - Society and Ethnicity Department (VOV2); 7- Literature - Arts - Music Department (VOV3); 8- Foreign Affairs Department (VOV5); 9. Voice of Vietnam Electronic Newspaper (VOV); VOV National Traffic Department (VOVGT); 11- VTC News Electronic Newspaper; 12- Resident office in the Northeast region; 13- Resident office in the Northwest region; 14- Resident office in the Central region; 15- Resident office in the Central Highlands region; 16- Resident office in Ho Chi Minh City; 17- Resident office in the Mekong Delta region; 18- Program Production and Archive Center; 19- Technical Center; 20- Advertising and Media Services Center; 21- Research and Application Center for Media Technology (R&D).
VOV has permanent offices abroad established in accordance with the law.
Units 1 to 4 are organizations assisting the General Director; units 5 to 18 and permanent agencies abroad are organizations producing content and programs; the Technical Center (19) is a transmission and broadcasting organization; units specified from 20 to 21 are other public service units.
The Editorial Secretariat has no more than 4 departments, the Organization and Personnel and International Cooperation Department has no more than 3 departments, the Planning and Finance Department has no more than 2 departments, and the Office has no more than 4 departments.
The General Director of Voice of Vietnam submitted to the Prime Minister a list of other public service units under VOV.
VOV has a General Director and no more than 04 Deputy General Directors. The General Director and Deputy General Directors are appointed, dismissed, and removed from office by the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of law.
This Decree takes effect from March 1, 2025; replacing Decree No. 92/2022/ND-CP dated November 2, 2022 of the Government stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of VOV.
Source: https://www.congluan.vn/dai-tieng-noi-viet-nam-tinh-gon-con-21-don-vi-co-khong-qua-4-pho-tong-giam-doc-post336606.html
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