The Geneva Agreement of 1954 completely ended the yoke of colonialism that had lasted nearly 100 years in Vietnam, thereby encouraging the movement for peace and national independence around the world. Since 1954, Vietnam has continuously expanded international solidarity, first with Laos, Cambodia, socialist countries, and then with peace-loving people around the world.
Among international friends, Cuba is one of the countries that established diplomatic relations with Vietnam very early (December 2, 1960), and was "ready to donate its blood" as well as "sweat to help Vietnam rebuild the country" as President Fidel Castro once said.
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam (July 21, 1954 - July 21, 2024), Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Vietnam Orlando Hernández Guillén shared with reporters of VietnamPlus Online Newspaper about the loyal and close relationship between the people of the two countries throughout historical changes.
Geneva Agreement: A milestone in Vietnam's revolutionary diplomacy
– How does the Ambassador assess the significance of the Geneva Agreement for Vietnam's independence and world peace?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: It was the first time in history that Vietnam's fundamental rights (independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity) were affirmed in an international agreement, recognized and respected by the countries participating in the Geneva Conference.
The signing of the Agreement was the result of the people's resilient struggle under the leadership of the Party throughout the long resistance war against colonialism, culminating in the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954).

The agreement completely ended the nearly 100-year imperialist domination in Vietnam, opened a new chapter in the cause of national liberation and national reunification, marked the formation of socialism in the North and opened the national democratic revolution in the South to fully realize the goals of national independence and national reunification.
This is not only an affirmation of Vietnam's independent and sovereign position in the international arena but also an important milestone in the development of Vietnam's revolutionary diplomacy, leaving valuable lessons and contributing to the training of many outstanding diplomats in the Ho Chi Minh era.
– On December 2, 1960, Cuba became the first country in the Western Hemisphere to establish full diplomatic relations with Vietnam. What do you think about the trust and friendship between the two peoples over the years?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: Over the past six decades, the special friendship between Cuba and Vietnam has continuously developed comprehensively in all fields, becoming a symbol of solidarity and brotherhood between the two countries and peoples, today demonstrating the increasingly strong relationship between the two Parties, States, Governments and armed forces.

In 1966, General Raul Castro visited Vietnam. At that time, Uncle Ho expressed: “Between Cuba and Vietnam there is a great distance, one sleeps, the other is awake. In the past, people said about the British Empire that the sun never sets on the British flag. But now it must be said that the sun never sets on the revolutionary flag. That means our two countries are geographically opposite, but have complete moral identity.”
…The sun never sets on the flag of the Revolution. That is to say, our countries are geographically opposite, but morally identical.”
– President Ho Chi Minh
As Cubans, we feel extremely proud and happy to witness the socio-economic development of a brotherly country, sharing with Cuba the ideals of socialism, under the guidance and leadership of the Communist Party and its leaders, which is the fruit of a mass Revolution whose main motto is to build a society with more opportunities and equality.

– Vietnam had the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory that shook the world on May 7, 1954, Cuba had the Revolutionary Victory on January 1, 1959, considered the most influential event of the 20th century and changed the political landscape in Latin America. Is it possible that such historical similarities have made the two nations understand and unite with each other for more than six decades?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: Just as the Vietnamese people's resistance against French colonialism was on the verge of victory, the Cuban people's revolutionary war began to overthrow the Batista dictatorship, ending on July 26, 1953.
The victory of the Vietnamese people at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 came to Leader Fidel in his prison cell on Isla de Pino island along with 28 soldiers still imprisoned after the attack on the Moncada barracks in 1953. The Dien Bien Phu event gave Leader Fidel hope and peace of mind that Cuba could also be liberated from the neo-colonial status of the United States and the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.
It can be said that the Vietnamese feats of arms contributed significantly to the formation of revolutionary consciousness among Cuban youth in the face of oppression. Similarly, Dien Bien Phu provided the experience and confidence necessary for Cuba to break the yoke of neo-colonialism. Ho Chi Minh's independent ideas and the socialist nature of his political platform set a standard for the youth of Cuba and Latin America at that time.

While in prison, Leader Fidel completed the text “ Historia me Absolverá, ” (History will absolve me), which is considered the platform of the national liberation revolution in Cuba.
Next, Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Héctor Rodríguez Llompart, during the signing ceremony to establish diplomatic relations at the Ambassador level with Vietnam in 1960, expressed: “While the Dien Bien Phu front was fierce, our revolutionary leader gathered Cuban youth to fight against the aggressive reactionary forces. The Dien Bien Phu victory is a powerful proof that any nation, no matter how small, if united and determined to fight for freedom, can defeat imperialism.”
Vietnam-Cuba: Love is present in the hearts of every citizen
– For the Ambassador personally, from childhood to adulthood, how do you feel about the presence of Vietnam in the hearts of the Cuban people?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: I am very happy to answer this question because I can recall distant memories, many times in Cuba and abroad when we were students, we took to the streets to call for resistance against the invading imperialists of Vietnam, and then, throughout our development, we Cuban people have always followed the ideology and lessons of Vietnam.

I, like all Cubans, have celebrated Vietnam's achievements and victories, whether during the war or later, in politics, economics and international relations.
– When you became the Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam, how did you feel about Vietnam's feelings towards Cuba?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: We Cubans have always been aware that everything Cuba does for Vietnam is received with gratitude and special affection. During the difficult times that Cuba has gone through, we have also felt the support and solidarity from Vietnam.
When I came to Vietnam, I was delighted and moved to see that such friendship not only comes from the Party's guidance but also exists in the minds and hearts of every Vietnamese person, regardless of their position in society.

– How do you evaluate the potential for cooperation between the two countries today, in the context of complex world developments and changes in many political institutions?
Ambassador Orlando Hernández Guillén: The very special relationship between the two peoples, the friendship between Vietnam and Cuba since the last century has created broad and solid cooperation structures, responsible, promoting and developing all potentials for cooperation in trade and many other fields.
Currently, Cuba is suffering from an increasingly fierce economic war caused by the world's largest political and economic power. Meanwhile, relations between countries are also affected by wars taking place in many places around the world. Financial crisis, climate change crisis and many other factors have negatively affected the normal development of national economies. In such circumstances, the sincere cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba is clearly more important than ever.
- Thank you very much, Ambassador./.

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