Taiwan initiates anti-dumping investigation into Vietnamese cement and clinker
Taiwan (China) has officially initiated an anti-dumping investigation into cement and clinker originating or imported from Vietnam, in which 7 Vietnamese export enterprises are accused of dumping.
Taiwan initiated an anti-dumping investigation into cement and clinker originating or imported from Vietnam. |
A source from the Department of Trade Defense (Ministry of Industry and Trade) said that the agency has just received information that Taiwan (China) has officially initiated an anti-dumping investigation on cement and clinker originating or imported from Vietnam.
The goods under investigation in this case are cement and clinker classified under Taiwan's import commodity codes: 2523. and 2523.
The party requesting the investigation is the Taiwan Cement Manufacturers Association.
Anti-dumping investigation period: From July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024; Alleged dumping margin with Vietnam: 16.99%
The plaintiff named seven Vietnamese exporters accused of dumping. In addition to these seven, there are other enterprises that also export the investigated products to Taiwan.
Taiwan's investigation agencies include the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), of which the MOF is the competent authority to investigate dumping, and the MOEA is the authority to investigate the injury to the domestic industry.
Regarding the investigation process, MOF will select an investigation sample to calculate the dumping margin. The selected Vietnamese exporting enterprises are considered mandatory defendants and must participate in the case, answer the Investigation Questionnaire and provide information as requested by MOF.
These enterprises are taxed separately depending on the information and data provided. Within 20 days from the date of issuance of the initiation notice, all 7 enterprises named and other unnamed manufacturing and exporting enterprises must send confirmation of participation to serve the sampling.
Enterprises involved but not submitting a participation confirmation will be subject to dumping margins based on information from the Requesting Party or other available information.
In the next steps of the investigation, MOF and MOEA will coordinate the investigation according to their authority, issue preliminary conclusions, final conclusions, conduct on-site inspections, and hold hearings to verify information to serve the decision-making on dumping behavior, damage to domestic production, and causal relationships.
Within 20 days from the date of initiation, the enterprise shall send a written statement stating its opinions or providing information about the goods and the content of the initiation notice to the following address: The Customs Administration (MOF), No.13, Tacheng St., Taipei City 103205, Taiwan.
The Trade Defense Department recommends that the Vietnam Cement Association and manufacturing and exporting enterprises carefully study the Request Document, the initiation notice and related instructions and regulations. Submit the confirmation form in accordance with the prescribed content and deadline.
Vietnamese enterprises need to cooperate fully and comprehensively to answer the Investigation Questionnaire(s), provide information as requested by the Investigation Agency; Regularly provide information and exchange information with the Trade Defense Department to receive timely support.
Source: https://baodautu.vn/dai-loan-khoi-xuong-dieu-tra-chong-ban-pha-gia-xi-mang-clinker-cua-viet-nam-d222316.html
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