On November 22, information from Hue University said that the unit had just issued a conclusion on the case of the doctoral thesis of Ms. LTAH (Head of Scientific Research Department, Hue Monuments Conservation Center) being accused of plagiarism.
Specifically, after receiving the accusation, Hue University established a team to verify the accusation's content, including plagiarism and misuse of historical data in Ms. LTAH's doctoral thesis.
Hue University's conclusion shows that the content of Ms. LTAH's doctoral thesis has many paragraphs and ideas that use similar ideas and paragraphs to published works of other authors without the author citing the source.
Accordingly, the plagiarism error was determined to be 12 pages. Regarding the plagiarism error in Ms. LTAH's doctoral thesis, Hue University concluded that the content of the accusation was correct.
Regarding the historical error, through verification, Hue University concluded that the content of the accusation is partially correct.
Regarding the content of the articles used by the thesis author, the content assessment upon publication is the responsibility of the journal's Editorial Board. The training institution only verifies whether the content of the article is related or not to the content of the doctoral thesis.
Based on that conclusion, Hue University requests the author of the doctoral thesis to seriously absorb and edit the contents pointed out in the conclusion of the denunciation and submit it for deposit according to current regulations.
For the University of Science (where Ms. LTAH was a graduate student in 2013), Hue University coordinated with the Hue University's training and student affairs department to monitor and confirm the revision of Ms. LTAH's thesis according to the inspection conclusion.
At the same time, the Director of Hue University proposed to the Minister of Education and Training to establish a Council to evaluate the content of Ms. H's doctoral thesis to resolve the matter according to authority.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/dai-hoc-hue-ket-luan-vu-luan-an-tien-si-bi-to-dao-van-10295026.html
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