On the morning of November 20, at the 8th Session, the National Assembly discussed the draft Law on Teachers in the hall. Many delegates agreed with the regulation that teachers' salaries in public educational institutions "are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system" but were unclear about the salary regime for teachers in non-public institutions.
Chairing the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh expressed her deep gratitude and best wishes to veteran teachers, National Assembly deputies who have been working in the education sector, and nearly 1.6 million teachers and education managers across the country.
At the same time, the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly affirmed that the draft Law on Teachers was first developed as a draft law regulating subjects related to many specialized laws. The scope of the draft law is quite wide, relating to the majority of civil servants who are teachers at public educational institutions, accounting for 2/3 of the total number of career staff nationwide, and the increasingly large number of teachers at non-public educational institutions, attracting the attention of many voters.
Discussing at the meeting hall, delegate Tran Van Tien - National Assembly Delegation of Vinh Phuc province, said: Regarding salary and allowances in Article 27, point d, clause 1, it is stipulated that teachers who are recruited and have their salaries increased by 1 salary level in the administrative career salary scale system. However, Article 18 stipulates that for those who are recruited, have to perform the internship, probationary period or listen to lectures, the salary and allowance regime is not specifically regulated. Therefore, delegate Tien requested the drafting agency to study this regulation...
Article 27 of the draft Law on Teachers stipulates : Teachers' salaries in public educational institutions "are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system"; Preferential allowances for jobs and other allowances depend on the nature of the job and the region as prescribed by law;
Preschool teachers; teachers working in particularly difficult areas such as ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas and islands; teachers at specialized schools and other specialized schools; teachers implementing inclusive education; teachers who are ethnic minorities and teachers in certain specific professions are given priority in terms of salary and allowances compared to other teachers;
Teachers recruited and ranked for the first time will be ranked 1 salary level higher in the administrative career salary scale system.
For non-public educational institutions, teachers' salaries and salary policies "must be no less than the salaries and salary policies of teachers in public educational institutions with the same training level and same title unless otherwise agreed"...
Regarding the policies to support teachers stipulated in the draft Law, the delegate said that the implementation of these support policies is only suitable for public educational institutions. The delegate wondered whether teachers in non-public educational institutions are entitled to these support policies. "If not, it will create an imbalance, so I suggest that the drafting agency study this content to ensure fairness for teachers in society," the delegate stated.
Delegate Hoang Ngoc Dinh, National Assembly Delegation of Ha Giang province, believes that the regulations on salaries and salary policies for teachers in non-public educational institutions as stipulated in Article 27 are “to ensure that salaries and salary policies for teachers in public educational institutions are not less than those in…”. Such regulations are not consistent with the spirit of Resolution 27 on salary policy reform.
The above regulation also means that non-public educational institutions proactively develop salary scales, labor norms, and pay salaries based on collective labor agreements in accordance with the capacity of the educational institution. Meanwhile, Article 27 also stipulates that teachers' salaries in public educational institutions "are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system".
Delegates at the meeting
In addition, Clause 2, Article 28 of the draft law stipulates: Teachers are guaranteed collective accommodation, essential conditions or are allowed to rent public housing according to the provisions of the housing law when working in rural areas, ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, border areas, islands and areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions. The delegate said that according to incomplete statistics, there is currently a shortage of about 11,000 public housing for teachers nationwide; many collective housing projects and public housing are degraded, damaged or very makeshift and cramped. For localities without public housing or collective housing, most teachers have to rent private housing.
To ensure housing conditions, creating conditions for teachers to work with peace of mind, dedication and responsibility for their profession, delegates suggested that the drafting committee continue to consider and study additional provisions at Point a, Clause 2, Article 28 of the draft law in the direction of, in addition to stipulating that teachers are guaranteed collective accommodation with all essential conditions, or are allowed to rent public housing according to the provisions of the Housing Law; propose to supplement the provision that teachers are supported by the State for housing rent when working in rural areas, ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, border areas, islands and areas with especially difficult socio-economic conditions.
Delegate Duong Khac Mai - National Assembly Delegation of Dak Nong province, discussed
Sharing the same view, delegate Duong Khac Mai - National Assembly Delegation of Dak Nong province, said: Regarding the salary and allowance policy for teachers, the delegate highly agrees with the fact that teachers' salaries are ranked highest in the administrative and career salary scale system. The delegate suggested that the highest salary in the salary scale must go hand in hand with the quality of teachers, because the importance and decisive role of the teacher system in improving the quality of education is decisive for the development of high-quality human resources, meeting the requirements of industrialization, modernization and international integration.
Point a, Clause 5, Article 21 on the reservation of regimes and policies in the transfer of teachers stipulates that in the case of transferring teachers between public educational institutions, if the regimes and policies in the old position are higher than the regimes and policies in the new position, the regimes and policies of the old position can be reserved for a maximum period of 36 months. The delegate suggested considering the reservation of the regimes and policies of the old position for a maximum period of 36 months, because it needs to be similar to the policies on cadres, civil servants and public employees. In addition, teachers already have many preferential policies according to the current draft Law. The delegate suggested the reservation of regimes and policies for a period of 6 months or more, but not a maximum of 36 months.
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