To prepare for the regular meeting at the end of 2024, on November 19, the delegations of the Provincial People's Council organized meetings with voters in a number of localities in the province.
*/ Tien Yen:
On the afternoon of November 19, Comrade Vi Ngoc Bich, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, and Provincial People's Council delegates of the Tien Yen - Binh Lieu - Ba Che Delegation had a meeting with voters of Tien Yen district to prepare for the 23rd session - the regular session at the end of 2024 of the 14th Provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 term.

At the conference, the delegates of the People's Council of Tien Yen - Binh Lieu - Ba Che delegation quickly reported to voters of Tien Yen district about the expected content and program of the 23rd Session - the regular year-end session of the Provincial People's Council, expected to be held for 3 days, from December 5 to 7, 2024. The Provincial People's Council session is expected to approve 18 reports of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; reports of the Judicial agencies and 18 submissions, 18 draft Resolutions, including a number of important resolutions affecting socio-economic development, budget management, staffing plans, administrative reform, health sector development and people's lives.
In addition, the provincial People's Council delegate also informed that in the first 6 months of the year, the provincial People's Council held 3 thematic sessions: The 20th session to carry out personnel work under its authority; The 21st session to pass 5 Resolutions, including 3 resolutions on a number of policies and emergency measures according to simplified procedures and procedures to promptly support and quickly overcome the consequences of storm No. 3 (Yagi) in the province; and The 22nd session to pass 11 Resolutions, which are important mechanisms and measures directly related to the management of socio-economic development of the province in the last months of 2024.
At the same time, the provincial People's Council delegates also informed about the province's socio-economic situation in 2024 and key tasks and solutions in 2025.

At the meeting, voters of Tien Yen district had some opinions and recommendations related to the policy of allowing the exploitation of natural forests that were broken down by storm No. 3 (storm Yagi), supporting people to plant replacement forests; financial support for households that are managing natural forests; policy of converting agricultural land use purposes; policies for specialized cadres in villages and areas; speeding up the repair of the power system due to the impact of the storm; soon putting into use the wastewater treatment plant of Tien Yen town center; continuing to pay attention to investing in traffic works on National Highway 18, Hong Cam school area to ensure safety... Regarding issues under the authority of the district level, representatives of Tien Yen district leaders received and directly answered right at the conference.
Regarding opinions under the authority of the Provincial People's Council, Comrade Vi Ngoc Bich, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, received and answered satisfactorily. Regarding issues under the authority of the locality, he directed the leaders of Tien Yen district to handle them based on the practical situation; at the same time, actively coordinate with departments, branches and units to promptly overcome some consequences caused by storm No. 3; prepare well the conditions for the election of Village and Ward Heads for the 2025-2027 term, ensuring the model of "People trust - Party nominates", complete the Party Congress of villages and hamlets in January 2025...
*/ Ha Dam:
On November 19, the delegation of the 14th Provincial People's Council in Hai Ha - Dam Ha district had a meeting with voters of Dam Ha district before the 23rd session (regular session at the end of the year) of the 14th Provincial People's Council for the 2021 - 2026 term. Attending the meeting were comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, a delegate of the Provincial People's Council.

At the meeting, members of the Provincial People's Council Delegation informed voters of Dam Ha district about the time, content, and program of the 23rd Session (regular session at the end of 2024) of the 14th Provincial People's Council, term 2021-2026.
The 23rd Session (the regular session at the end of 2024) is expected to take place in 2.5 days, from December 5 to December 7, 2024. At this session, the Provincial People's Council will focus on reviewing 18 reports on work results and specialized reports as prescribed in Articles 58 and 59 of the Law on Supervision Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils 2015 and the provisions of the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets 2017, the Law on State Budget. At the same time, the Provincial People's Council will discuss and review 16 Submissions to issue 16 Resolutions submitted by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the Provincial People's Committee. In particular, it will focus on discussing and deciding to issue a number of mechanisms, policies, and management measures on finance, budget, and public investment; building the government, organizing the payroll apparatus, etc.

The delegation also informed voters about the report on the socio-economic situation in 2024 and the key tasks of the province in 2025; reported the results of handling voters' opinions and recommendations sent to the Provincial People's Council at the previous session.
Voters of Dam Ha district expressed their joy and excitement with the socio-economic achievements of the province and district in recent times. At the same time, voters made recommendations on issues related to: Land, public investment, support to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3; improving the quality of education and training.
Regarding the opinions and recommendations of voters under the authority of the district level, the leaders of the People's Committee of Dam Ha district and specialized agencies have received and clarified them. For recommendations under the responsibility and authority of the province, the delegation of the Provincial People's Council in Hai Ha - Dam Ha district will synthesize, report to the Provincial People's Council and send to competent agencies for resolution.

On the same day, the delegation of the Provincial People's Council in Hai Ha - Dam Ha district also had a thematic meeting with voters and officials and teachers of schools in the district to inform them about the content and program of the 23rd Session. Provincial People's Council, term XIV, 2021 - 2026, and asked for opinions on the draft Law on Teachers.
At the meeting, voters of the education and training sector contributed their opinions on many issues related to the subjects of application; the regime for teachers in each specific locality; the retirement regime for teachers; the appointment and promotion of teacher titles; regulations on transfers; additional allowances for school staff; more specifically, the policy on periodic health care and occupational health care.
Comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Provincial People's Council Delegate and the Provincial People's Council Delegate Group in Hai Ha - Dam Ha district acknowledged and highly appreciated the practical, responsible and practical contributions of the delegates to the Draft Law. The Provincial People's Council Delegate Group will synthesize and study to submit to the National Assembly at the next session.
*/ Ba Che
On November 19, the delegation of the People's Council of Tien Yen - Binh Lieu - Ba Che province organized a meeting with voters of Ba Che district to inform voters about the time and content of the program of the 23rd session - the regular session at the end of 2024 of the 14th Provincial People's Council and listen to voters' thoughts and aspirations sent to the session.

In Ba Che district, delegates of the 14th term Quang Ninh Provincial People's Council informed voters of the following contents: Summary of results of the implementation of socio-economic development tasks of the province and district in 2024, directions and tasks in 2025; summary report on the results of handling voters' recommendations sent to the sessions of the 14th term Provincial People's Council; content and program of the regular session at the end of 2024... Accordingly, the 14th term Provincial People's Council is expected to take place from December 5 to 7, 2024 at the Provincial Conference Center. The session will consider 18 reports on work results and thematic reports according to the provisions of Articles 58 and 59 of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils 2015, provisions of the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets 2017, the Law on State Budget; at the same time, discuss and consider 16 submissions to issue 16 resolutions submitted by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the Provincial People's Committee. In particular, focusing on discussing and deciding to issue a number of mechanisms, policies, and management measures on finance, budget, public investment; building the government, organizing the staffing apparatus...
Through meetings with the Provincial People's Council delegates, voters of Ba Che district expressed their joy and excitement at the results achieved by Quang Ninh province in 2024 as well as the timely resolution of voters' opinions and recommendations sent to previous sessions of the Provincial People's Council. Voters requested the Provincial People's Council to continue to pay attention to the early implementation of the construction of Provincial Road 330; install more traffic signs on Provincial Road 329; pay attention to expanding the policy of supporting gifts on holidays for youth volunteers...
After listening to voters' comments and presenting their aspirations; in the spirit of dedication and responsibility to voters and people, the Delegation of the 14th Provincial People's Council received and answered a number of opinions within its authority and synthesized voters' opinions and recommendations to send to the regular meeting at the end of 2024 of the Provincial People's Council.
*/ Binh Lieu:
At the meeting with voters of Binh Lieu district, the provincial People's Council delegates quickly informed voters about the content and expected program of the 23rd Session - the regular session at the end of 2024, the 14th Provincial People's Council, term 2021-2026; the situation and results of implementing socio-economic tasks in 2024, directions and tasks in 2025.

The Provincial People's Council meeting at the end of the year will take place for 2.5 days from December 5 to 7, 2024. This is a very important meeting to focus on deeply assessing the results of socio-economic development in 2024; discuss the directions, tasks and solutions for socio-economic development in 2025. At this meeting, the Provincial People's Council focused on reviewing 18 reports on work results and specialized reports according to the provisions of Articles 58 and 59 of the Law on Supervision Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils in 2015, the provisions of the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets in 2017, the Law on State Budget; at the same time, discussing and reviewing 16 submissions to issue 16 resolutions submitted by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the Provincial People's Committee. In particular, focusing on discussing and deciding to issue a number of mechanisms, policies and management measures on finance, budget, and public investment; government building, organization of staff...
The representative of the Provincial People's Council Delegation also informed voters and people about the results of handling voters' petitions sent to the 19th session of the 14th Provincial People's Council and the results of implementing Resolution No. 223/NQ-HDND dated July 10, 2024.

In a democratic and open atmosphere, voters of Binh Lieu district expressed their joy and excitement with the results achieved by the province in 2024; at the same time, they reflected and made recommendations to the provincial People's Council delegates on a number of issues related to people's lives and issues arising in the process of socio-economic development in the locality, such as: allocating funds to invest in computers for villages, hamlets, and neighborhoods to perform tasks; supporting the repair of works affected by storm No. 3; supporting materials for building intra-village roads; creating favorable conditions for housing construction sites, etc.
Representatives of Binh Lieu district leaders directly answered a number of opinions and recommendations of voters under the district's authority right at the voter meeting.
After listening to the voters' opinions and recommendations, the Provincial People's Council delegates explained and clarified a number of issues related to the province's jurisdiction. Some opinions were under the jurisdiction of departments and branches, and the Provincial People's Council Delegation recorded and accepted them to send to competent authorities and branches for resolution according to regulations.
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