DNVN - The Chairman of the People's Committee of Da Nang City has issued a Decision approving the plan to exploit the information infrastructure assets of the ICT1 building of the Da Nang Software Park Concentrated Information Technology Park (CVPM) - CVPM No. 2 (phase 1).
On March 12, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Da Nang Le Duc Vien said that with the approval of the City People's Council, the Chairman of the Da Nang City People's Committee issued Decision 608/QD-UBND approving the plan to exploit the information infrastructure assets of the No. 2 Software Park (phase 1) for the ICT1 building item.
Domestic and foreign partners met at ICT1 building on the occasion of the opening of Danang Software Park No. 2.
There are two forms of exploitation: Leasing through asset auction with a starting price of VND 226,000/m2/month (excluding value added tax and related service fees) as prescribed in Point c, Clause 7, Article 1 of Decree 09/2024/ND-CP. The asset rental price is the winning auction price.
Lease without auction to strategic partners in the field of semiconductors and artificial intelligence with a rental price of VND 226,000/m2/month (excluding value added tax and related service costs) according to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 14 of Resolution 136/2024/QH15 dated June 26, 2024 of the National Assembly on the organization of urban government and piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang City.
The lease term is 10 years (from the date of signing the lease contract). The rental price will not change for 2 years from the effective date of the contract. After 2 years, the above price will be reviewed and adjusted to suit the market and the adjustment will not exceed 10%.
Although it has been inaugurated since January 2025, the project of the No. 2 Software Park (Phase 1) still does not have enough legal basis for the People's Committee of Da Nang City to issue a Decision to assign the unit to manage and operate. The People's Committee of Da Nang City has proposed solutions to avoid wasteful use of public assets and create development space to meet the needs of IT and digital technology enterprises.
On that basis, on February 20, the People's Council of Da Nang City announced its agreement in principle with the proposal of the City People's Committee to put into early exploitation the completed information infrastructure assets at the No. 2 Software Park (phase 1) and organize an auction of assets while waiting for the completion of the entire project, acceptance and handover for use.
Hai Chau
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/cong-nghe/da-nang-khai-thac-toa-nha-dau-tien-cua-khu-cong-vien-phan-mem-so-2/20250313064451757
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