General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's book continues to guide the National Assembly to constantly innovate and develop.

Việt NamViệt Nam16/07/2024

The book "The National Assembly in the process of innovation to meet the requirements of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam" by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

On January 6, 1946, in extremely difficult and challenging circumstances after the country gained independence, the General Election to elect the first National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, was successfully held, opening a new period of development for the nation. Over nearly 80 years, with 15 terms of operation, the National Assembly has always been closely associated with and accompanied the nation, constantly promoting its role as the highest representative body of the people, a democratic institution, an important pillar of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people. In the process of national renewal, the National Assembly of Vietnam has always performed its functions, tasks and powers according to the provisions of the Constitution and laws, innovated and developed, achieved many achievements, firmly affirmed its position and role, and made great and important contributions to the achievements of the cause of national construction and defense. In the current period, in order to effectively implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW of the 6th Central Conference of the 13th tenure on continuing to build and perfect the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam in the new period, continuing to innovate the organization and improve the quality and efficiency of the National Assembly's operations is of utmost importance, so that the National Assembly's operations become increasingly democratic, rule-of-law, professional, modern, effective and efficient, contributing together with the political system under the leadership of the Party to successfully implement the goal of "A rich people, a strong country, democracy, fairness, civilization", and steadily moving towards socialism.

As a National Assembly deputy of the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th terms (from 2002 to present), Chairman of the 11th and 12th National Assembly (June 2006 - July 2011), President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (October 2018 - April 2021), General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (from 2011 to present), Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has always paid special attention, closely followed, provided comprehensive, objective, scientific leadership and direction, and at the same time, was very specific and profound in perfecting the organization, improving the quality and effectiveness of the activities of the National Assembly of Vietnam in each task, in each field, in each period; at the same time, focusing on researching and gradually developing theoretical and practical thinking on building and perfecting the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law state to meet the requirements of innovation and national construction on the socialist path. The book "The National Assembly in the process of innovation to meet the requirements of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam" by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was published at a time of many important events: The 15th National Assembly has just successfully completed the contents of the 7th Session - the Session with the largest volume of legislative work since the beginning of the term, passing many draft laws related to many sectors and fields, which have received great attention from voters and people nationwide; the country's socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of 2024 has achieved positive results with an impressive growth rate; the entire Party and people are striving to compete to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, practically celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the country (1945 - 2025); We are also having many activities to show gratitude and commemorate the contributions and sacrifices of heroes, war invalids and martyrs for the Fatherland on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day.

The book “The National Assembly in the process of innovation to meet the requirements of building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam” published by the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Truth National Political Publishing House and relevant agencies has systematized the leadership, direction and orientation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the task of building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam in general and innovating the organization and operation of the National Assembly of Vietnam in particular. The book contributes to clarifying the development of our Party's theoretical thinking on building the Socialist Rule of Law State in general and improving the organizational capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the operation of the National Assembly of Vietnam in particular.

With a capacity of 844 pages, the book selects 95 articles, speeches, and interviews of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, divided into three parts: Part One: Building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam; Part Two: Innovation in the organization and operation of the National Assembly; Part Three : Trust, support, consensus, and affection of cadres, people, and international friends for Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong. In particular, with more than 100 precious photos selected, the book also shows the imprints in Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong's activities through the periods, associated with the activities of the National Assembly, with voters and people nationwide.

The book demonstrates the comrade's consistent thinking, strategic and profound vision on building and perfecting the Vietnamese socialist rule of law state "truly of the people, by the people, for the people", "a tool to demonstrate and implement the people's right to mastery, to ensure and protect the interests of the vast majority of the people". These are issues of strategic, comprehensive significance, fundamental in theory and practice, with profound implications with important contents, providing orientation for the cause of comprehensive construction and development of the country.

The book demonstrates the consistent thinking, strategic and profound vision of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

With in-depth assessments and summaries of theories drawn from rich practice, the book contributes to providing important, scientific arguments on the core values ​​of building a socialist rule-of-law state in Vietnam and the important role and position of the Vietnamese National Assembly in the process of building the country on the socialist path. The important highlights of the book are shown in the following three basic aspects:

Firstly, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong summarized the achievements in theoretical development and practical summary of our Party on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam with scientific, sharp and convincing arguments.

He affirmed: Advancing to socialism is the aspiration of the Vietnamese people, the right choice of President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam, in line with the development trend of history; “The socialist society that the Vietnamese people are striving to build is a society of rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness, civilization; owned by the people; with a highly developed economy, based on modern productive forces and appropriate progressive production relations; with an advanced culture, imbued with national identity; people have a prosperous, free, happy life, with conditions for comprehensive development; ethnic groups in the Vietnamese community are equal, united, respect and help each other to develop together; there is a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people led by the Communist Party; there are friendly and cooperative relations with countries around the world”. The model of Vietnamese socialism is the creative development of our Party's own theory. To realize that model, he pointed out: “it is necessary to go through a long transitional period with many steps, many forms of economic and social organization intertwined, with a struggle between the old and the new”. The transitional period to socialism is a “greatly creative” undertaking, “full of challenges and difficulties”, “long-term goal”, “cannot be rushed”.

From the analysis of the inevitable, objective and correct choice of our Party and people on the path to socialism, the General Secretary affirmed the good nature of democracy in socialist society and the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam; affirmed the correctness and creativity of our Party in developing a socialist-oriented market economy and the great achievements of the country's renovation process; especially the leadership role of the Party - the decisive factor in the victory of the renovation and national construction. Based on the assessment of the achievements and limitations of the country's renovation, he also suggested solutions for the country's development in the transitional period, in which building a socialist rule-of-law State is of extremely important significance in promoting socialist democracy, ensuring that state power belongs to the people; protecting and promoting human rights, civil rights and strengthening the leadership role of the Party in the new conditions.

The views of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, on building a socialist rule-of-law state in Vietnam are an important theoretical and practical basis for us to fight against erroneous, hostile views that attempt to deny and sabotage the current national construction.

Second, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong expressed our Party's consistent viewpoint on building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law State and clarified the nature, goals, operating principles, and requirements for perfecting our State in the current context.

Discussing the nature of our State, he pointed out the difference from the bourgeois rule of law State in that: “The rule of law under the capitalist regime is essentially a tool to protect and serve the interests of the bourgeoisie, while the rule of law under the socialist regime is a tool to express and implement the people's right to mastery, to ensure and protect the interests of the vast majority of the people”. The socialist rule of law State of Vietnam is a state of the people, by the people, for the people. Building the socialist rule of law State of Vietnam to maintain and further promote the people's, democratic and humane nature of our State, “building socialist democracy, ensuring that power truly belongs to the people is an important and long-term task of the Vietnamese revolution”.

In the process of building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam, the General Secretary always emphasized: “steadfastly and creatively applying and developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought; firmly pursuing the goal of national independence and socialism; ensuring the leadership and governance of the Party and the working class nature, people's character and national character of the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam”; “consistently implementing the principle: All state power belongs to the people, promoting the people's mastery...; must “respect the Constitution and the law” and “attach importance to education, improve socialist morality”, consider “people as the center, goal, subject and driving force of national development”; “respect, ensure and protect human rights and civil rights”; ensure “the comprehensiveness, synchronization, and connectivity between legislative innovation, administrative reform, and judicial reform” and “harmoniously combine inheritance and stability with innovation and development”…

He affirmed: In the current period, building a socialist rule-of-law state in Vietnam must always be placed in the context of renewing the Party's leadership methods, building a clean and strong Party and political system; closely linked with maintaining political stability, comprehensively renewing the political system towards streamlining, effective and efficient operations and sustainable socio-economic development of the country. He requested to be more innovative and creative, to be more honest, disciplined, effective and efficient in the organization and operation of agencies and organizations in the state apparatus. Promote administrative reform, continue judicial reform. Strengthen decentralization, delegation of power, assignment of tasks, coordination, associated with strengthening inspection and supervision. Focus on building a contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees with adequate qualities, capacity, professionalism, integrity, impartiality and impartiality. Prevent and repel the degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation"; effectively prevent and combat corruption, waste, negativity...

The viewpoint of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on building a socialist rule-of-law state in Vietnam is an important part of the system of viewpoints on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; contributing to consolidating the ideological, political-legal, scientific foundation and guiding the development of our Party and country in the current period.

Third, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is always devoted to and concerned about the activities of the National Assembly, has very profound summaries and assessments of the path of innovation and development of the Vietnamese National Assembly in each aspect of its activities, in each period; at the same time, has very close orientations and instructions so that the National Assembly can constantly innovate its organization and activities, becoming more and more perfect, effective and efficient.

As a National Assembly delegate for five consecutive terms (from 2002 to present), and concurrently as Chairman of the 11th and 12th National Assembly (June 2006 - July 2011), Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has paid close attention to and given specific instructions on the innovation of the organization and operation of the National Assembly in each aspect of work; improving the operational efficiency of each agency and unit in order to build a strong, effective and efficient National Assembly, meeting the requirements of building and protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland in the new period.

From the practice of organization and operation of the National Assembly, he affirmed the extremely important role and position of the National Assembly, always closely attached to and accompanying the nation, effectively performing its functions, tasks and powers as prescribed by the Constitution and laws; making great and important contributions to the cause of national liberation, national unification, construction and defense of the Fatherland. He pointed out the results achieved in the activities of building and perfecting the legal system; supreme supervision; questioning and answering questions; activities of deciding important issues of the country; and foreign affairs activities of the National Assembly. He affirmed that our National Assembly has “continuously developed and matured, operated increasingly democratically, practically and effectively, with many innovations in both thinking and practical actions, and has gained increasing trust from voters and people nationwide”, “actively contributing to building a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people and for the people led by the Party, promoting the people's mastery” and “deepening awareness of building socialist democracy, contributing to strengthening the bond between the people and the Party and the State, creating an image of the dynamism and democracy of the socialist political system in our country in the eyes of international friends”.

At the same time, he also frankly pointed out the shortcomings and limitations that need to be overcome in each specific aspect of the National Assembly's activities, such as: the quality of some draft laws and ordinances and the effectiveness and efficiency of supervision activities are not high; the decision-making on important national issues must continue to overcome formality, and the quality must be improved; the organization and methods of operation of the National Assembly and the capacity of National Assembly deputies are still not up to the task...

Based on the Party's viewpoints and guidelines, clearly analyzing the requirements for the organization and operation of the National Assembly, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has given drastic and close instructions to continuously innovate the organization and operation of the National Assembly such as: promoting legislative activities, building and perfecting a synchronous, unified, feasible, public and transparent legal system; continuing to innovate and improve the effectiveness of supervision activities, especially strengthening thematic supervision, questioning, explaining and supervising the implementation of conclusions and recommendations after supervision; improving the quality of decisions on important issues in a more substantive direction, ensuring national interests, in accordance with the will and aspirations of the people; Continue to promote foreign affairs activities, strengthen parliamentary diplomacy, proactively and actively integrate and cooperate internationally to enhance the role, position and prestige of Vietnam in the international arena, maintain a peaceful political environment, create favorable conditions for the successful implementation of the renovation cause; organize election activities in a democratic, equal, legal, safe and economical manner to select and elect virtuous and talented representatives worthy of representing the People, thereby contributing to building, consolidating and perfecting a truly socialist rule-of-law state of the People, by the People, for the People...

In particular, he requested to strengthen and innovate the Party's leadership, because this is the decisive factor for the National Assembly to successfully fulfill all the important responsibilities entrusted by the People; at the same time, it is necessary to "promote democracy in the activities of the National Assembly", considering this an important requirement to "create more strength, dynamism and creativity from our country's political system"; the National Assembly must "be close to and closely attached to the People, fully grasp and deeply understand the thoughts, aspirations and legitimate requests of the People, respectfully listen to and fully reflect the will and aspirations of the People", considering this an important factor, ensuring that the National Assembly has correct decisions and is truly the highest representative body of the People. Innovation in the organization and operation of the National Assembly needs to be carried out "closely, synchronously", "methodically", "with clear goals and orientations, sure steps and bringing practical results"...

The book has selected 57 typical opinions, expressing the perspectives, thoughts, and feelings of cadres, party members, intellectuals, National Assembly deputies, voters nationwide, and international friends towards the leadership of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The opinions show the consensus and trust of cadres, party members, and voters nationwide towards the leadership of the Party and the General Secretary; trust in the cause of innovation, building a socialist rule-of-law state of Vietnam that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people, in which the National Assembly is the highest state power body, representing the people, under the leadership of the Party.

The book “ The National Assembly in the process of innovation to meet the requirements of building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam” demonstrates the consistent and steadfast thought of the General Secretary on building socialism, on innovation and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam, in which, it guides the innovation in both thinking and practical action, innovation in the organization and operation methods of the National Assembly, the agencies of the National Assembly, improving the qualifications and capacity of National Assembly deputies to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation. The book also affirms the steadfastness and steadfastness of a true communist, with the thinking, strategic vision and responsibility, enthusiasm, and deep love for the country and the people of the leader of our Party, the representative of the People, always putting the interests of the country and the People first and foremost.

With profound theoretical and practical values, the book helps cadres, party members and people grasp the guiding viewpoints of our Party, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; strive to innovate the organization and operation of the National Assembly of Vietnam in an increasingly practical and effective direction, contributing to the successful construction of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; at the same time supplement and perfect the theoretical system on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam.

TRAN THANH MAN, Member of the Politburo, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


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