The shows Anh trai say hi and Anh trai vu ngan cong gai both gathered champions such as Duc Phuc, Quoc Thien, Ali Hoang Duong, Rhyder...

Two reality music shows that are attracting a lot of audiences both gather champions from famous competitions of the past such as The Voice, The Voice Kids, The Idol, Masked Singer...
However, most of these champions have not yet achieved prominence in the music arena.
If it weren't for the "battle dance" performance in the most recent episode of Say Hi Brother (aired on the evening of August 10), Ali Hoang Duong - the champion of The Voice 2017 would be the most obscure name. programme.
Despite his technical singing voice, Ali Hoang Duong always ranks at the bottom. Even the captains are not interested in him when choosing players. Ali Hoang Duong rarely shows his personality, and at the same time, his singing voice does not have a distinctive, unique color.

Duc Phuc - the champion of The Voice 2015 - has not shown any outstanding performance when participating in Anh trai say hi. Duc Phuc has a strong voice, and also shows a certain advantage in dancing, however, in a program that gathers too many faces with expensive looks like Anh trai say hi, it makes it difficult for Duc Phuc to stand out.
Another name that was also considered to have almost “sunk” was Anh Tu “Voi Ban Don”. After the lackluster performance of “Nguoi tinh cua nang”, Anh Tu “Voi Ban Don” became the team captain for the first time but put the remaining 3 members in danger, in the end, 2 members, Vu Thinh and Hai Dang Doo, were both eliminated.
Anh Tu was the runner-up of The Voice Vietnam 2017 (the year Ali Hoang Duong was crowned), then he created a storm at The Masked Singer and won the championship.
However, in Mask Singer, Anh Tu "Voi Ban Don" only needs to... stand still and show off his voice, while, Hi drunk brother is a much more fierce battle. There, not only are there equally beautiful voices, but there are also "brothers" who dance beautifully, perform beautifully, rap well, and show outstanding musical personalities.
It was because the race was more fierce that Anh Tu "Elephant Ban Don" revealed more weaknesses.

In the show that is competing with Anh trai say hi is Anh trai vu ngan cong gai, Quoc Thien was expected to have a beautiful, bright voice and would stand out in The older brother overcame thousands of obstacles. Quoc Thien was the champion of Vietnam Idol 2008 (that year Thanh Duy was the runner-up).
However, up to now, among the most prominent faces in this program, there is no sign of Quoc Thien. After the first performances, Quoc Thien has not shown the personality and resilience needed like Kay Tran, Soobin Hoang Son, Bui Cong Nam...
When the game requires more than a beautiful voice, the champions of the past are showing signs of fatigue.
The only person who has been considered outstanding so far is Rhyder (Nguyen Quang Anh) - champion of The Voice Kids 2013.
After more than 10 years of singing from a children's competition, Quang Anh has suddenly become a mature man with an intelligent and creative musical mind.

Quang Anh is known by his rapname (name for rappers) Rhyder - after joining Rap Viet.
Come to Hi drunk brother This time, up to now, Rhyder is the only one who has won all 3 rounds of live performances. Even HIEUTHUHAI had to admit: "I expected to lose to Rhyder, but I didn't expect to be at the bottom."
Rhyder's real name is Nguyen Quang Anh, born in 2001. Although he is young, he is showing his creativity and outstanding musical thinking with many breakthroughs, surpassing his own limits. Therefore, Rhyder is the most prominent champion among the champions in the 2 "brother" shows.
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