Realizing that, ENAT 400 has made every effort in the fight against counterfeit goods to get closer to women. Thanks to that, it has successfully appeared in the list of "TOP 10 GOLDEN BRANDS 2023".
This is the title awarded at the " Vietnam Anti-Counterfeiting and Counterfeiting Day" Celebration held on November 25, 2023 at the Hanoi Military Theater. The names named in this award all have positive efforts in building and protecting brands, along with supporting authorities in preventing counterfeit goods, counterfeit goods and preventing commercial fraud. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights and safety of consumers.
To successfully enter the TOP 10 GOLDEN BRANDS 2023, ENAT 400 has gone through many strict selection criteria assessed by the Vietnam Association for Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection (VATAP). Therefore, this is not only a prestigious award but also clear proof of the clear origin, authentic quality and consumer trust in the ENAT 400 brand.
ENAT 400 representative received the title "Golden Brand 2023"
Counterfeiting and Consumer Health Protection remain important goals for ENAT 400
For a long time, counterfeit goods have always been a worrying issue for the market as they directly affect the economy, health and safety of consumers. Therefore, fighting counterfeit goods is not only a responsibility but also one of the top goals of business activities. Accordingly, solutions to prevent the spread of counterfeit goods, and control quality in the distribution system... are focused on by ENAT 400 to ensure genuine products reach consumers.
Because the brand believes that its mission does not stop at providing quality products to help women get not only to restore youthfulness, but also to protect the rights and safety of consumers. At the same time, building a community of women who are confident in choosing products. This is also a strong motivation for ENAT 400 to strive to build a quality and trustworthy brand image.
ENAT 400 is honored to be awarded the title "Golden Brand 2023"
All the efforts were completely worth it when ENAT 400 successfully reached the prestigious title of TOP 10 GOLDEN BRANDS 2023 before the end of 2023. This is a source of pride, an important milestone marking a new step forward in protecting customers and contributing to creating a healthy market, with no room for counterfeit goods.
Understanding the value of Vitamin E for women's health
ENAT 400 understands the value and importance of Vitamin E in women's health care. That is also the reason why the brand always strives to maintain quality and resolutely fights against counterfeit and fake products. Supporting consumers to access quality products is the top goal of ENAT 400. Besides being a brand, ENAT is also a companion to women's health and beauty.
How to distinguish genuine ENAT 400
In short, ENAT 400 will continue to aim to prevent counterfeit and fake goods to build a healthy market, where women can confidently recharge their vitality and take care of themselves. Because women deserve to receive quality and safe products.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Vietnam Association for Anti-Counterfeiting and Trademark Protection (VATAP) for recognizing and appreciating the brand's contributions. Combined with the trust from the community, it is a strong support for ENAT to move forward and protect the health and beauty of women. Now, on the journey to nurture youthful beauty in the future, women can shake off their fears about a sustainable health and beauty market.
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