According to VietNamNet 's analysis of exam score data published by the Ministry of Education and Training, the average score of Ninh Binh candidates in the Literature exam was up to 8.17.

If we consider the rate of candidates scoring 9 or higher in Literature compared to the number of candidates taking the exam, Ninh Binh leads the country.

Of the total 11,643 candidates in this province taking the Literature exam, 3,158 scored 9 points or higher (specifically, 1,412 candidates scored 9 points; 1,091 candidates scored 9.25; 612 candidates scored 9.5 and 43 candidates scored 9.75).

Thus, the number of candidates who scored 9 points or higher in the Literature subject of the high school graduation exam accounted for 27.1% of the total number of candidates taking the Literature subject. That means on average, for every 4 candidates in Ninh Binh taking the Literature subject, more than 1 candidate will score 9 points.

If calculated from the score of 8 or higher, the whole Ninh Binh province has 8,254 candidates achieving this level, accounting for nearly 71% of the total 11,643. Thus, on average, out of 10 candidates taking the exam, 7 students achieved 8 points or higher in Literature.

On the contrary, this province also did not have any candidates who received a failing score in the Literature exam (1 point or less).

Ninh Binh.jpg

However, the number of high-scoring Literature exams in the 2024 high school graduation exam in Bac Ninh province surprised many people.
According to VietNamNet's analysis of exam score data published by the Ministry of Education and Training, Bac Ninh has a very high number of Literature exam scores of 9.5 or higher.

Of the total 17,493 candidates in this province taking the Literature exam, 1,890 candidates scored 9.5 points or higher (specifically, 606 candidates scored 9.75 points and 1,284 candidates scored 9.5 points).

Thus, the number of candidates who scored 9.5 points or more in the graduation exam accounts for 10.8% of the total number of exams. In proportion, for every 10 candidates, at least 1 will score 9.5 points or more.

If calculated from the score of 9 and above, the whole Bac Ninh province has 4,532 candidates achieving this level, accounting for 25.9% of the total 17,493. Thus, on average, for every 4 candidates in Bac Ninh taking the Literature exam, more than 1 candidate will achieve 9 points.

Nationwide, there were 1,843 candidates who achieved a score of 9.75 in Literature, Bac Ninh accounted for nearly 1/3 (606 candidates, about 32.9%).

Partly because of this, Bac Ninh has become a locality at the top of many rankings, especially in exam groups with Literature.

Also according to statistics, out of a total of 19 candidates who are valedictorians of block C (Literature, History, Geography) this year (when having the same total score), there are 13 candidates from Bac Ninh.

Among the 121 candidates with the highest total scores in block C nationwide this year (all from 29.5 points or higher), there are 50 candidates from Bac Ninh.

In the D1 group (Math, Literature, English), there were 2 candidates from Bac Ninh who both made it to the top runner-up with 28.7 points.

Among the 110 candidates with the highest total scores in block D1 nationwide this year (all from 28.1 points or higher), there are 26 candidates from Bac Ninh.

The average score that Bac Ninh candidates achieved in the Literature exam was 7.97.

Nam Dinh female student talks about her 12-page high school graduation exam with 10 points in Literature

Nam Dinh female student talks about her 12-page high school graduation exam with 10 points in Literature

Pham Quynh Anh, a student at My Tho High School (Yen Chinh Commune, Y Yen District, Nam Dinh Province) is one of two candidates nationwide to score 10 points in Literature.
Valedictorian of the 2024 national high school graduation exam with 3 scores of 10 and a 12-page essay

Valedictorian of the 2024 national high school graduation exam with 3 scores of 10 and a 12-page essay

Nguyen Ha Nhi (class 12D1, Nguyen Gia Thieu High School, Hanoi) became the valedictorian of the 2024 high school graduation exam with a total score of 57.85.
Dong Thap female student scored 10 in Literature: There were days when she studied so much that she forgot to eat.

Dong Thap female student scored 10 in Literature: There were days when she studied so much that she forgot to eat.

Female student Huynh Hong Nhu, Chu Van An High School (Dong Thap) is one of two candidates who scored 10 points in Literature in the 2024 high school graduation exam. Her grandmother shared that Nhu is a very good student, sometimes she studies so much that she forgets to eat.
Order of Literature scores for high school graduation 2024, Ninh Binh is the highest in the country

Order of Literature scores for high school graduation 2024, Ninh Binh is the highest in the country

The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores. Below are the average Literature scores of provinces across the country.