Previously, on September 10, 2024, Ban Ve Hydropower Company completed the electricity output plan assigned by Power Generation Corporation 1 in 2024 (774 million kWh).

To achieve this impressive output, since the last months of 2023, the company has focused on water storage at the end of the flood season, bringing the lake water level to 199.65m in early 2024, ready to serve downstream water supply and generate electricity for the power system in 2024.

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Ban Ve Hydropower Plant regulates water discharge through spillway in September 2024. Photo source: EVNGENCO 1

The dry season of 2024 (from January 1 to July 19, 2024) recorded an average flow to Ban Ve Lake of only 57.35 m3/s (equivalent to a total water volume of 1 billion m3), but Ban Ve Lake supplied 1.9 billion m3 downstream (average 110.78 m3/s), contributing significantly to ensuring downstream water supply, helping the Winter-Spring and Summer-Autumn crops of Nghe An province to be bountiful.

In the first months of the flood season in 2024, the Ban Ve reservoir basin received a sudden increase in inflow with an average inflow from July 20, 2024 to September 30, 2024 of 557.68 m3/s. Ban Ve Hydropower Plant played an important role in cutting and reducing floods downstream by closely coordinating with the functional agencies of Nghe An province, properly implementing the Inter-reservoir Operation Procedure on the Ca River basin and the reservoir regulation orders of the Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control and Disaster Prevention of Nghe An province.

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Reservoir of Ban Ve Hydroelectric Plant

In 2024, the Electricity industry faced many difficulties in supplying and ensuring electricity for the national electricity load. By completing high output milestones, Ban Ve Hydropower Company contributed to ensuring grid stability and supplying electricity to the Northern load of Vietnam's electricity system.

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The Hydropower Plant has a drawing output of 1 billion kWh (Photo taken from the Plant's BANVEHMI software)

To achieve the above achievements, in addition to the favorable hydrological situation, it is necessary to mention the role of the leaders and staff of Ban Ve Hydropower Company who have excellently completed the management, operation and repair work of the plant, helping the plant to have maximum availability, stable and reliable operation. The company coordinates well with related units in regulating the reservoir, operating the units to minimize excess discharge through the spillway.

In the last months of 2024, promoting the achievements, Ban Ve Hydropower Company aims to continue to strive to complete and excellently complete the remaining targets and tasks of the year assigned by Power Generation Corporation 1.

Quoc Tuan