Hanoi University of Culture has just announced its 2025 enrollment plan with 3 methods: Direct admission and priority admission; based on high school graduation exam scores; based on high school transcripts.

A notable point is that in both methods of considering high school graduation exam scores and academic records, in addition to the priority admission points according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, the University of Culture said that it will add 3 points on a 30-point scale for candidates with one of the equivalent certificates from IELTS 4.0 or higher.

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The minimum level of foreign language certificates (if any) will be added 3 points when applying to Hanoi University of Culture.

Before the school's admission information, some opinions wondered whether this would cause injustice and disadvantage for candidates who do not have a foreign language certificate or do not have the opportunity to take the exam and get this certificate.

“With the school’s method of adding points, a candidate with a total score of 3 subjects in the admission combination, for example 24, will become 27 points. Meanwhile, to be able to earn 3 points from the graduation exam and transcript is a whole process,” a parent expressed.

A candidate calculated: "Let's assume that each multiple choice question in the high school graduation exam is worth 0.25 points; then 3 extra points is equivalent to 12 more correct answers in the exam - which is not easy."

Some opinions also say that in exams, candidates compete with each other for every 0.2 points to win the chance to be admitted and the boundary between passing and failing can sometimes be fragile just because of this small score, let alone 3 points.

Photo by Pham Tung 7.jpg
Illustration: Pham Tung

Speaking to VietNamNet , Mr. Truong Dai Luong, Head of Training Management Department of Hanoi University of Culture said: "The school follows the admission regulations permitted by the Ministry of Education and Training (Circular 06/2025/TT-BGDDT amending and supplementing a number of articles in the university and college admission regulations)".

Mr. Luong explained that the school introduced this point-adding mechanism to give priority to candidates with good foreign language skills. “This is being introduced in the context of our country encouraging the improvement of foreign language skills of students, gradually making English the second language in schools,” Mr. Luong said.

In response to the opinion that the school's minimum requirement of IELTS 4.0 and other equivalent certificates is too low and "deserving of 3 points in the admission process", Mr. Luong said that the school based on the regulations on subjects exempted from the high school graduation exam in English to set this threshold.

“According to the high school graduation exam regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, candidates with an IELTS certificate of 4.0 or higher or equivalent are exempted from the English exam. In fact, the school has no basis to determine IELTS levels of 4.0 or 5.0,... on what scale,” said Mr. Luong.

Regarding the concern about whether the school's method of adding points is unfair to candidates, Mr. Luong said: "The problem is the criteria the school wants to aim for in enrollment and training orientation, what are the output standards. In recent years, after enrollment, we classified the input English quality of candidates not high. The school's goal is to recruit students with better English proficiency. The criteria the school wants to choose to suit the training professions cannot be compared with the high school graduation exam scores. Like previous years, the Ministry of Education and Training also allows schools to have early admission methods and many schools only require candidates to have a foreign language certificate to recruit. Not to mention, to get a foreign language certificate is not easy, students also have to put in a lot of effort to study."

A university adds 3 points when considering candidates with IELTS from 4.0

A university adds 3 points when considering candidates with IELTS from 4.0

Candidates with a minimum IELTS score of 4.0 will receive 3 additional points when applying to Hanoi University of Culture based on their academic records or high school graduation exam scores.
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