On January 9, the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union held a conference to summarize union work in 2024 and deploy tasks for 2025.
The Organizing Committee of the Green - Clean - Beautiful and Safe Working Corner Contest awarded prizes to the Trade Unions that performed well in the contest in 2024.
Currently, the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union manages 47 grassroots trade unions (CĐCS) with over 4,000 cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers (CBCCVCNLĐ), of which women account for 48%. In 2024, trade union activities focused on performing well the function of caring for and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of CBCCVCNLĐ. The work of supervising and coordinating inspection and supervision of the implementation of regimes and policies related to CBCCVCNLĐ was well implemented; the democratic regulations at the grassroots level were promoted. The work of propagating, consulting, and resolving policies related to CBCCVCNLĐ was timely. Patriotic emulation movements among union members and workers were effectively implemented.
The leaders of the Provincial Federation of Labor awarded Certificates of Merit to 2 individuals with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement for good workers and building a strong trade union organization in 2024.
During the year, the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union directed 100% of grassroots trade unions to organize conferences for civil servants and public employees; conducted free blood tests and provided health consultations for over 1,000 union members; the patriotic emulation movement associated with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle and campaigns at all levels and sectors were effectively implemented; organized inspections and supervision of 15 grassroots trade unions; introduced 83 outstanding union members for the Party to consider and admit.
At the conference, the trade unions discussed and contributed ideas on the implementation of democratic regulations and emulation movements; thereby pointing out the advantages and difficulties in implementing trade unions at the grassroots level.
Overview of the Conference.
Regarding the direction and tasks for 2025, the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union continues to promote activities, practically care for the lives and protect the rights of union members; launch patriotic emulation movements, strive for 100% of grassroots trade unions to coordinate in organizing conferences for civil servants, public employees, conferences for workers, and dialogues at the workplace; 100% of grassroots trade unions organize at least 1 activity that brings practical material or spiritual benefits to union members and workers during Workers' Month. The propaganda work of the Party's Directives and Resolutions, and the State's policies and laws is deployed to 100% of grassroots trade unions; strive for over 95% of female civil servants and public employees to achieve the title of "Good at public work, good at housework" at the grassroots level...
On this occasion, the Provincial Federation of Labor and the Provincial Civil Servants' Union presented 34 gifts to union members and trade unions in difficult circumstances.
On this occasion, the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union announced the decision to award the Emulation Flag of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to the Trade Union of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc; many collectives and individuals were honored by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Provincial Labor Federation, and the Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union, with certificates of merit for their outstanding achievements in trade union activities in the period 2021 - 2023 and 2024. The Organizing Committee of the "Green - Clean - Beautiful and Safe Working Corner" Contest in 2024 awarded prizes to participating Trade Unions, departments and individuals.
Ha Nhung
Source: https://baophutho.vn/cong-doan-vien-chuc-tinh-tiep-tuc-day-manh-hoat-dong-cham-lo-doi-song-bao-ve-quyen-loi-cho-doan-vien-cong-doan-226153.htm
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