Trade unions should further promote their role in caring for and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers (*)

Báo Bắc GiangBáo Bắc Giang18/07/2023

(BGDT) - On the morning of July 18, the 18th Congress of the Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union for the 2023-2028 term officially opened at the Provincial Convention Center. Attending the Congress, comrade Duong Van Thai, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, delivered an important speech. Bac Giang Newspaper would like to publish his speech.

Bắc Giang, Đại hội, Công đoàn, nhiệm kỳ 2023-2028, đồng chí Dương Văn Thái, công nhân

Comrade Duong Van Thai spoke at the Congress.

In the determined atmosphere of the Party Committee, the government and the people of all ethnic groups in Bac Giang province, who are striving to compete and make practical achievements to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day September 2, today, the 18th Congress of the Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union, term 2023-2028, solemnly opened. This is a great festival, an important political event, expressing the concern, trust and expectations of the Party Committee, government and people of the province for the development of the trade union organization in the period of industrialization and modernization of the country.

On behalf of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, I warmly welcome and respectfully send to the leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL), delegates, distinguished guests and 365 delegates representing the spirit of solidarity, will and aspiration of the provincial trade union members my warm greetings, wishes for health, success, happiness and a great success of the Congress!

Over 77 years of construction and development, the Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union has continuously grown and matured; making important contributions to the cause of building and defending the homeland and the country. Together with the province's socio-political organizations, the Trade Union has always been a pioneer force, playing an important role in the political life of the Provincial Party Committee; a strong bond connecting the Party organization with the working class and laborers; a reliable and loyal force and support of the Party Committee. Through practical activities, the Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union has contributed to beautifying and brightening the glorious tradition of the Vietnam Revolutionary Trade Union.

Bắc Giang, Đại hội, Công đoàn, nhiệm kỳ 2023-2028, đồng chí Dương Văn Thái, công nhân

Authorized by the President, comrade Duong Van Thai awarded the Second Class Independence Medal to the Bac Giang Provincial Federation of Labor.

Deeply aware of the important position and role of trade union organizations and workers' movements, in recent years, the Bac Giang Provincial Party Committee has focused on thoroughly grasping and seriously and effectively implementing the Party and State's guidelines and policies on trade union work, especially Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW dated June 12, 2021 of the Politburo on innovating the organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Unions in the new situation.

The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Party Standing Committee have regularly paid attention to leading and directing trade union work and the workers' movement. Most recently, the Provincial Party Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 100-NQ/TU dated April 19, 2021 on strengthening the leadership of Party committees at all levels in consolidating, building and developing trade union organizations and workers' movements in non-state enterprises; Resolution No. 110-NQ/TU dated June 9, 2021 on developing social housing for workers in the province by 2025, with a vision to 2030...

In leadership, the Provincial Party Committee always agrees on the viewpoint: Strengthening, building and developing trade union organizations and workers' movements is the responsibility of Party committees and the entire political system at all levels; unifying the motto "Where there are workers, there are trade union organizations". The Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee has organized many meetings and discussions with the leaders of the General Confederation of Labor to unify issues on the organization of the apparatus and the staff of trade union officials; coordinating step by step investment in trade union institutions, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation.

Over the past five years, in the context of the complicated and unpredictable developments in the world and region, with more difficulties than advantages, there have been unprecedented difficulties, beyond the ability to predict, greatly affecting the implementation of political tasks of the province and of trade unions at all levels.

However, the Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union has promoted solidarity, closely followed the leadership of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Provincial Party Committee, and implemented all aspects of work synchronously and comprehensively. Through the political report and comments, I am pleased to see that the work of the provincial trade union has achieved many positive and comprehensive results, completing and exceeding 22/22 targets set by the Resolution of the 17th Bac Giang Provincial Trade Union Congress.

A clear mark in the past term is that trade unions at all levels in the province have been more active and proactive in advising and proposing to Party committees and authorities to organize many meetings and dialogues with trade union officials, workers, employees and business representatives (including the dialogue of the Prime Minister at the Bac Giang bridge on June 12, 2022); thereby helping Party committees grasp the thoughts, aspirations, difficulties and problems, promptly issue many policies and strategies to care for and support improving the lives of workers and employees (such as: policies to support preschool students who are children of workers; policies to promote the development of workers' housing; policies to strengthen the construction of institutions serving trade union activities and workers' lives in industrial parks, etc.).

Many programs and tasks assigned to the trade union have been effectively implemented. Recently, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee assigned the Provincial Federation of Labor to implement the Project on building "Safe and civilized workers' dormitories" for the period 2022-2025 in the province, with initial positive results.

In implementing the goals of the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Trade Union Congress, the most outstanding and impressive results are shown through two important targets: the establishment of new grassroots trade unions reached 477.5% and the admission of new union members reached 492.5%, nearly 5 times higher than the target set by the Resolution, making Bac Giang one of the leading provinces in the country in developing grassroots trade union organizations.

The content and methods of operation of trade unions at all levels have been innovated, increasingly oriented towards the grassroots. Patriotic emulation campaigns and movements such as "Excellent workers", "Creative workers", "Promoting initiatives and technical improvements" have created a pervasive influence, arousing intelligence and enthusiasm for production and socio-economic development. I am very impressed that during the past term, more than 18 thousand topics and technical improvement initiatives have been applied, generating a profit of more than 15 billion VND. It can be seen that in every industry and field, there are typical examples of advanced trade union members, adding more color to the flower garden of patriotic emulation and creative labor of the province.

Social security activities, taking care of the material and spiritual life of union members and workers such as: "Tet Sum Vay" program, "Trade Union Shelter", "Stock for Workers", "Workers' Month" have become bright spots in the activities of trade unions at all levels in the past term. In particular, "Tet Sum Vay" with the program "0 VND booth", free bus trip home to celebrate Tet... has become a series of outstanding activities, a creativity of Bac Giang trade union recognized, highly appreciated and replicated nationwide by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

In particular, in May 2021, when the Covid-19 epidemic broke out violently in the industrial park, Bac Giang was the epicenter of the country and had to face unprecedented difficulties and challenges, greatly affecting the lives, jobs, income, thoughts and feelings of the majority of workers, civil servants and laborers.

In the difficult, urgent and difficult circumstances, the spirit of dedication, adaptability and creativity of all levels of trade unions and trade union officials in Bac Giang is also highlighted; the spirit of solidarity, mutual support and efforts to overcome difficulties of the Bac Giang workers are highlighted.

In the midst of the epidemic, the "Zero-VND Supermarket" model has been replicated by trade unions at all levels, effectively mobilizing and providing food, groceries and essential goods to about 60,000 workers in quarantine and blockade areas. In the midst of the epidemic, no one is hungry or has missed meals, and there are no waves of workers quitting their jobs and returning to their hometowns. Thanks to that, after controlling the epidemic, Bac Giang has enough labor to restore production and recover strong growth.

The success of the trade union work of Bac Giang province in the past term can be summarized in 16 words: Internal solidarity - Expanded organization - Increased membership - Practical movement. We suggest that comrades who study can add more.

The results achieved by trade unions at all levels during the 2018-2023 term have contributed positively to the province's development in recent times. The province's GRDP economic growth rate has continuously remained among the top in the country since the beginning of the term; in the first 6 months of 2023, it reached 10.94%, ranking second in the country.

The economic scale has been expanded, now ranking 12th nationwide. FDI attraction in the first 6 months of 2023 ranked 3rd nationwide (after Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City); Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) in 2022 ranked 2nd nationwide. Socio-economic infrastructure has received investment attention, gradually synchronized and modernized. Cultural and social fields continue to develop. National defense and security are ensured.

The work of building the Party and the political system has achieved many important results; the image and position of the province has been increasingly raised; the trust of the people and the blood relationship between the people and the Party have become increasingly strong; the great national unity bloc has been firmly consolidated. The above results are the crystallization of the spirit of solidarity, innovation, aspiration and efforts of the entire political system, the business community, and all classes of people in the province; including the extremely important contributions of the provincial trade union organization and trade union members.

From the rich and vibrant activities of the trade union, in the past term, many examples of excellent union cadres and members have emerged, who have been recognized and rewarded by all levels and sectors. The Provincial Federation of Labor was honored to receive the Second Class Independence Medal from the President; 1 collective and 1 individual were awarded the Third Class Labor Medal and many outstanding collectives and individuals were awarded emulation flags, certificates of merit, and many other noble awards by the Prime Minister, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and the Provincial People's Committee.

On behalf of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, I acknowledge, commend and warmly congratulate the outstanding achievements of the provincial trade unions at all levels in the past term.

In addition to the achievements, the trade union work and the movement of workers, civil servants and laborers in the province in the past term still have limitations as stated in the Political Report and the opinions expressed in the discussion. I request the Executive Committee of the 18th Provincial Trade Union to seriously absorb, analyze in depth, promptly rectify and propose solutions to thoroughly overcome them in the new term.

Bac Giang has entered a new development phase. The Resolution of the Provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term has identified "Comprehensive development of economic sectors, of which industry is the main driving force". Recently, Resolution No. 11 dated February 10, 2022 of the Politburo also identified building Bac Giang province as a growth pole, an important nucleus of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region.

The planning of Bac Giang province for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, has determined that by 2030, Bac Giang will become a modern industrial province with 29 industrial parks and 63 industrial clusters; Bac Giang needs to attract about 1 million workers. In addition, the process of deep international integration, especially when our country fully implements the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, also poses many challenges to the consolidation and development of trade union organizations and workers' movements.

I basically agree with the targets and 8 groups of tasks and solutions stated in the Political Report submitted to the Congress. To meet the requirements of the tasks in the new situation, I suggest that the Provincial Federation of Labor fully absorb the opinions expressed in the discussion, especially the opinions and directions of the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; thoroughly grasp and seriously, promptly and effectively implement the Resolution of the Congress; in which, pay attention to implementing well the following contents:

First of all, trade unions at all levels in the province need to promote the fine traditions of more than 90 years of establishment and growth of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; spread the spirit of action of the Congress; promptly develop and issue programs and plans for implementation; promptly put the Congress Resolution into practice, create strong changes right from the first month and year of implementing the resolution and strive for the results of the following year to be higher than the previous year, as the spirit of determination that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has directed the entire Party and the entire political system in recent years.

During the implementation process, trade unions at all levels must thoroughly grasp the Party's viewpoints and policies, closely follow the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the higher-level trade union. Promote proactiveness and positivity in advising the Party Committee to issue policies to lead trade union activities and the workers' movement.

Trade unions at all levels, first of all the Provincial Trade Union Executive Committee, must clearly demonstrate a long-term vision for action not only for this term but also for the following terms. The orientation for building the movement must keep up with and go hand in hand with the socio-economic development of the locality and the country.

Second, further promote the core role of the Trade Union organization as representing, caring for, and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of workers. Through practical activities to demonstrate the benefits and superiority when workers join the trade union. Actively build harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations in the enterprise, truly being a reliable support for union members and workers. Ensure the harmony of interests of related parties with the spirit of Trade Union benefits - Enterprises benefit - Workers and workers benefit - Society benefits.

Third, continue to innovate the content and methods and improve the effectiveness of trade union activities to suit and adapt to the practical situation. Launch and implement emulation movements and campaigns that are increasingly in-depth, substantive, and effective, linked to key tasks, appropriate to each region, target, and practical conditions. Focus on discovering, nurturing, replicating, and honoring typical examples and initiatives that bring high socio-economic efficiency. I would like to take this opportunity to remind comrades that trade union activities are associated with movement activities, movement work that is not practical, and is indulged in formalities, administration, and orders, then the movement will decline and fade away.

Fourth, continue to pay attention to developing union members and establishing grassroots unions; improve the quality of union activities; proactively and actively coordinate closely with socio-political organizations, departments, branches, units and localities to promptly grasp the thoughts and aspirations of workers, civil servants and laborers; pay special attention to and grasp industrial development areas and areas with a large number of workers; advise, propose and coordinate with competent authorities to promptly resolve pressing issues and conflicts arising in the issues of wages, insurance, occupational safety and hygiene, and health care for workers and laborers. Grasp the situation firmly, absolutely do not let hostile forces take advantage of issues arising in labor relations to incite, attract protests, cause disturbances, disrupt security and order, affect the production activities of enterprises, the investment and business environment and the image of the province.

Fifth, Continue to effectively implement Resolution No. 100-NQ/TU dated April 19, 2021 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee on strengthening the leadership of Party committees at all levels in consolidating, building and developing trade union organizations and workers' movements in non-state enterprises in the current period. Implement well the motto "Where there are workers, there are trade unions". Build a strong and comprehensive trade union organization, truly becoming a solid political base of the Party, an effective collaborator of the government, with high prestige among workers and the whole society. Focus on training, fostering and building a team of trade union cadres with capacity, courage, enthusiasm and responsibility. Trade union organizations and trade union officials at all levels must take the lead in implementing the spirit of "3 dares, 3 more, 5 clear" stated in Directive No. 26-CT/TU dated June 2, 2023 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee.

Actively participate in developing party organizations and party members in enterprises; pay attention to introducing, training and admitting to the Party outstanding and outstanding union cadres and members, with the motto "wherever there is a mass organization, there needs to be a party organization, wherever there are masses, there needs to be party members to lead". Improve the quality of participation in supervision, social criticism, and participation in giving opinions on building the Party and building clean and strong governments at all levels.

On this occasion, I request that the Party Committees at all levels in the province continue to pay attention to and strengthen the leadership of trade union activities and the workers' movement; regularly listen to the thoughts and aspirations of workers and civil servants in the area to resolve them. I request that the government, the Fatherland Front, and the business community in the province continue to coordinate well with the trade union organization in their work, creating favorable conditions for the trade union to perform its functions and tasks well in the new situation.

An important task of the Congress is to elect the Executive Committee of the 18th Provincial Federation of Labor and elect the Delegation to attend the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union. I request the Congress delegates to uphold their responsibility, promote democracy, and wisely select comrades who are truly exemplary in terms of qualities, abilities, and prestige to participate in the new Executive Committee of the Provincial Federation of Labor; at the same time, select and elect excellent delegates, representing the will, aspirations, and voices of nearly 280,000 trade union members of Bac Giang province to attend and contribute to the success of the Vietnam Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 term.

At this important political event, on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, I would like to express my sincere thanks for the attention, direction, guidance and regular and valuable support of the Presidium, departments and agencies of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the trade union activities and the workers' movement in Bac Giang province in recent years. I hope that in the coming time, the trade union work of the province will continue to receive more attention and facilitation from you comrades. I also hope and request that the Trade Unions of other provinces continue to support and coordinate effectively with the Trade Union of Bac Giang province in implementing tasks; I hope that you comrades will be an effective bridge to connect and support workers from other provinces to work in Bac Giang in the coming time.

With the glorious tradition of the Vietnamese working class and trade union organizations, with the spirit of "Innovation, democracy, solidarity, responsibility"; I believe and expect that the trade union work of Bac Giang province will enter a new term with new determination, new spirit, continue to have stronger and more comprehensive development steps, together with the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in the province to successfully implement the goals and tasks set forth in the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress, building the homeland of Bac Giang to become increasingly prosperous, strong and civilized.

Once again, on behalf of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, I respectfully send to the leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, delegates, distinguished guests, and all cadres, union members, workers and employees my best wishes for health, happiness and success.

(*)-Title set by the Editorial Board

Bac Giang, Congress, Trade Union, term 2023-2028, comrade Duong Van Thai, worker

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