The 13th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, term 2023 - 2028, is an important political event of the working class, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and a broad political activity among cadres, union members, and workers nationwide. Attending the congress, the delegation of Binh Thuan General Confederation of Labor has 11 delegates representing the will and aspirations of more than 76,000 union members in the province.
Mr. Do Huu Quy - Provincial Party Committee member, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Labor (FFL) was the head of the delegation. Before the congress, the delegates also shared their opinions and expressed their trust.
Chairman of the Provincial Labor Federation Do Huu Quy: Better perform the task of representing, caring for, and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members and workers.
These days, in all agencies, units, industrial zones, companies, workers, civil servants, and laborers (CNVCLĐ), trade unions at all levels have been and are looking forward to the congress. The Provincial Federation of Labor has also mobilized trade unions at all levels to actively participate in the competition organized by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. At the same time, it has focused on propagating and mobilizing workers to continue to carry out patriotic emulation movements, enthusiastically work in production; promptly grasp the thoughts, aspirations and gather opinions of union members to advise and propose to the Party Committee, government, and functional agencies to resolve...
I believe that the 13th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor will have many breakthrough policies to concretize the innovation of trade union organization and activities in accordance with the spirit of Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW, dated June 12, 2021 of the Politburo. In particular, in the 2023-2028 term, the trade union organization will focus on better performing the tasks of representing, caring for, and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests, contributing to improving the quality of life of union members and workers. Innovate and strengthen propaganda and mobilization work, improve the political capacity, educational level, professional skills, industrial style, and labor discipline of union members and workers. Along with that, build a strong trade union organization; attract and gather a large number of workers into the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor... Aiming at the goal of building a modern and strong working class, contributing to realizing the aspiration of developing a prosperous and happy country.
Chairman of Provincial Civil Servants' Trade Union Tran Ngoc Phuc: Hopes that the Trade Union will continue to innovate, taking workers as the center
Looking forward to the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union, term 2023 - 2028, I believe and expect that the trusted candidates for the Executive Committee will use all their abilities and enthusiasm to propose many practical programs, good practices, breakthroughs, creativity, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers; continue to be a bridge for workers to speak up, so that the union is always the common home, the warm home of each union member.
At the same time, I hope that the Trade Union will continue to innovate its content and methods of operation, focusing on the grassroots level, taking workers as the center. Continuously enhance the role and position of the trade union organization in the political system when there will be an organization operating in parallel with the Vietnam Trade Union Organization. Pay special attention to the quantity and quality of full-time trade union officials, strong enough trade union finance; organize vibrant and widespread movements, creating new changes in trade union activities at all levels. With the strong development of science and technology, I hope that the trade union will increasingly apply information technology in its activities, meeting the digital transformation requirements set forth by the Central Government.
Chairman of the Trade Union of Binh Thuan Forestry One Member Co., Ltd. Cao Van Nhan: There will be policies to support businesses when they encounter difficulties.
In recent times, the difficult economic situation has had a great impact on the work and life of union members and employees. I hope that in the new term, the Vietnam Trade Union will continue to propose amendments, supplements, and develop policies and laws with more incentives for employees. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to propose policies to support businesses when facing difficulties, extending the payment period of social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance for employees, so that businesses can ensure resources to maintain production and business activities. Pay attention to solutions to close social insurance books for employees who have quit their jobs when businesses owe social insurance payments.
As a business operating in the forestry and wood processing industry, the company hopes to receive attention from preferential policies on taxes, loan support, operating mechanisms, etc. to help the company maintain its competitiveness in the market, ensure jobs and income for employees. As well as achieve good results in production to contribute to business development, social security and local economic development.
Chairwoman of the Trade Union of Right Rich International Company Limited Doan Thi My Thach: Confident that the congress will elect a team of professional and dedicated union officials.
I believe that this congress will select people with qualities, abilities, prestige, and ethics to contribute to the further development of the Vietnam Trade Union. In addition, I also hope that the policies and guidelines proposed at the congress will be more oriented towards workers, specifically in the fields of employment, wages, social insurance, occupational safety and hygiene, and vocational education. Pay attention to the coordination of labor law policies and social insurance in enterprises, contributing to protecting the rights and obligations of employers and employees; regulations related to business operations; implementation of the general minimum wage, regional minimum wage, rest regulations, labor discipline; implementation of the national program on occupational safety and hygiene, etc.
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