The Law on Identification was passed by the 15th National Assembly at the 6th Session and will come into effect on July 1, 2024, helping to perfect the law, meet the practical requirements of population management, administrative reform, ensure human rights, citizen rights, towards digital government, digital economy, digital society and better serve people and businesses.

The Law on Identification has 10 new points. The important new points of the Law are the conversion of citizen identification cards into identity cards; Expanding the subjects eligible for receiving applications, issuing identity cards to citizens from 0 to under 6 years old; from 6 to under 14 years old; from 14 years old and above and issuing identity certificates to people of Vietnamese origin whose nationality has not been determined from July 1, 2024...

From July 1, when the Law on Identification officially takes effect, the Ministry of Public Security will implement the issuance of identification cards in accordance with the provisions of the law and its implementing guidelines. Photo: C06

According to the Department of Administrative Police for Social Order, Ministry of Public Security (C06), from July 1, when the Law on Identification officially takes effect, the Ministry of Public Security will implement the issuance of identification cards according to the provisions of the Law and its implementing guidelines.

The Law on Identification stipulates: Citizen identification cards issued before the effective date of the Law on Identification are valid until the expiration date printed on the card. Citizens, when in need, can be issued a replacement identification card (Clause 1, Article 46).

Thus, the identity card has the same value as the citizen identification card. However, in cases where citizens are using a citizen identification card that is still valid, they can continue to use it until it expires and then have to change to an identity card, except in cases where citizens need to change from a citizen identification card to an identity card.

Demo image of voice biometric capture through the cabin. Photo: C06

C06 said that the Ministry of Public Security has prepared infrastructure, technical and technological conditions to ensure receiving applications, issuing ID cards to citizens and issuing ID certificates according to the Law on ID, effective from July 1, 2024.

The Ministry of Public Security has sufficient human resources, means, and experience to meet the maximum needs of people when they request to be issued identification cards according to the provisions of the 2023 Identification Law.

In order to effectively implement the issuance of ID cards, in addition to ensuring the necessary conditions for human resources and equipment, the Ministry of Public Security has focused on propaganda work, had a specific implementation plan, completed software and systems, organized training for officers directly implementing, and coordinated smoothly with units and local authorities.

With the experience of successfully implementing the citizen identification card issuance campaign, the Ministry of Public Security is completely proactive and confident that it will also successfully implement the issuance of identification cards.