Hoang Nam Tien - son of Major General Hoang Dan - wants the younger generation to understand more about "revolutionary romance" through a book that collects his parents' wartime love letters.
Businessman Hoang Nam Tien released the book Letter to You at the end of March, telling about the deep love of his parents, Major General Hoang Dan and National Assembly delegate Nguyen Thi An Vinh. On this occasion, the author talked about the process of making the publication, as well as the influence of his father on his personality and outlook on life.
- Why did you choose to tell the story of your parents' love?
- In 2003, my father passed away, and I secretly kept a box of documents with 400 letters from my mother. When she found out, she kept quiet, as if she understood my feelings. Before, she was the one who kept those letters, and sometimes I would "secretly" read them, and then my mother would tell me more details. After she passed away in 2022, 18 months ago, I was determined to share their beautiful love story.
Major General Hoang Dan and his wife. The major general was born in 1928 in Nghe An, the 21st generation descendant of Hoang Ta Thon, a general of the Tran Dynasty, who was once given the title of Sat Hai Dai Vuong. He was a commanding officer who participated in the resistance wars against the French and the Americans. In 2003, he died of a heart attack. After 19 years, his wife, An Vinh, passed away. Photo: Provided by the family
I want to tell that story so that young people today who are interested will understand that the love of the old generation was also very romantic and intense. Reading my parents' story, I discovered that the phrase "revolutionary romance" is understood correctly. I like to relate it to Gen Z or Alpha today, you often have questions: ''Why was I born into this life'', ''What reason do I live for''. But in the past, the country was not independent, the most private things of people had to be put aside to focus on fighting. Therefore, covering the couple's feelings was the love of soldiers and revolutionary cadres for the country.
In addition, I hope to help people my age or those who lived in that period see a past full of beautiful memories. When the book was completed, I gave it to some elderly people. A 78-year-old man read it to a 75-year-old woman. They cried and asked: "You and I used to love each other so much, why do we argue all the time now?" Or a young person texted me: "When I finished reading, the first thing I did was bring it home for my parents to read, then they naturally held hands and told me old stories."
- What challenges did you face when making the book "Letter for You"?
- I still say this could be my first and last book. Since I was a child, I majored in Math, and my Literature score was very low, so I never thought I would be able to write a book. Initially, I had two experienced people help me edit the narrative. But through their writing style, I realized that this was no longer my own words or story. It became a beautiful, smooth book with many exclamations. Therefore, I asked a young person, hoping to keep my own writing style.
When Nha Nam expressed interest in buying the copyright of the book, the editorial board supported me more, omitting the redundant parts and clarifying the details that they found interesting. In addition to recreating my parents' love story, the editorial board wanted me to describe the Tran Phu area, the Nam Dong "military zone", my house on Cau Go street in the past, with the aim of clearly depicting the context of that time. I edited about 16 times, lasting more than a year. When the publication was released, I was very moved. The next day, I asked for leave and returned to my hometown in Nghi Thuan commune (Nghe An). I went to my parents' grave, read it to them and burned the book, as a gift to my parents.
- In the stories about your parents, which memory do you remember forever?
- When I was three years old, while eating, I broke a Hai Duong porcelain bowl, a very rare item at that time. According to my older brother, seeing me about to cry, He dropped his bowl, making me burst out laughing. Seeing me laughing so hard, he went into the cupboard, took out four bowls, and continued breaking them.
When I was making the book, I remembered I miss my parents a lot, especially when I sleep next to my mother, she rubs my back and sings me a lullaby. Every time I come home, my mother's familiar scent always makes me fall asleep quickly. At 52 years old, I still have my grandmother massage my feet and lull me to sleep with verses from the Tale of Kieu. At her old age, she can forget what she ate but still remembers her children's phone numbers.
The author talks about parents. Video: Character provided
- In the book, you mentioned that Major General Hoang Dan often spoiled his children and grandchildren to the point of "extremeness". How did he show his strictness?
- Since I learned to read, I remember never having my father hold me, hug me, pat my head, or encourage me, but he cared about every step I took. In the early days of working at FPT Corporation, my job was to carry, assemble, and sell computers. My mother knew, she was disappointed, and said on behalf of my father: "I thought you were a king or a general, but it turns out you're a salesperson." Because my father wanted me to work in the military, my mother used to be the deputy director of the Department of Commerce, under her were hundreds of stores, about ten thousand traders. Hearing that, I was not sad but considered it a great motivation to change, and later I did it.
- How does Major General Hoang Dan influence your personality and outlook on life?
- I learned that as a leader, I should not hold a gun and shoot the enemy instead of soldiers, but I should always set an example. At the Vietnam Military Museum, there is a souvenir of him, a camouflage suit, which he wore in 1974, when he crawled close to the fence to choose the direction of attack, ensuring a sure victory in the battle, helping to avoid casualties. Although he was a good general, my father never raised his voice, demanding that this or that be done, but always lived an exemplary life for everyone to follow.
In real life, my father is very romantic. His favorite song is I have two loves, you and Paris. He has a lot of affection for his family , always being the center of solidarity among relatives. I learned from my father how to care through practical actions, not just through words. Retired, my father He didn't have much money, so every time he returned to his hometown, he always asked me: "Do you have money, give me some?" After that, he visited the families of martyrs in the commune. Or when my hometown was flooded, he brought a truckload of short-term potato seeds, which could be harvested in 45-60 days. I understand that everyone should take care of their hometown before doing charity work anywhere.
Hoang Nam Tien, 55 years old, former Chairman of FPT Software, FPT Telecom, FPT Corporation. He is currently Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of FPT University. He is known as an administrator, technology expert, advisor in startup activities, teacher and popular speaker. Photo: Provided by the character
Phuong Linh
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