2025 is a year with many major holidays such as the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the South and national reunification... Towards that goal, under the leadership of General Secretary To Lam, our Party is mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system and all classes of people to participate in summarizing the theory and practice of the country's renewal in the direction of socialism over the past 40 years; urgently organizing party congresses at all levels, towards the 14th National Congress of the Party with the goal of bringing the country into a new era - the era of national development and prosperity.
Thanh Hoa City is brilliant with flags and flowers to celebrate the Party, celebrate spring, and celebrate the country's renewal. (Photo: Document)
According to General Secretary To Lam, the new era, the era of the Vietnamese people's rise, is the era of development, the era of prosperity under the leadership and rule of the Communist Party, successfully building a socialist Vietnam, a rich people, a strong country, a democratic, fair, civilized society, on par with the world powers. All people have a prosperous and happy life, are supported to develop and enrich themselves; contribute more and more to the peace, stability, development of the world, the happiness of humanity and global civilization.
The late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated: The source of success is the tradition of maintaining independence and autonomy in policies; firmly grasping, applying and creatively developing Marxism-Leninism, referring to international experience to set out the right policies and effectively organize the implementation of revolutionary tasks. That is the tradition of blood ties between the Party and the People, always taking serving the People as the reason for living and the goal of striving. That is the tradition of solidarity, unity, organization and strict, strict discipline on the basis of the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism, criticism and comradely love. That is the tradition of loyal, pure international solidarity based on noble principles and goals.
Entering a new era, a time when the Party's will blends with the people's hearts in the aspiration to build a prosperous and happy country, soon successfully build socialism, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers, more than ever, the issue of solidarity and unity within the Party needs to be identified as the basis and support for national solidarity.
As a ruling Party, leading the revolution, the central part, the soul of the great national unity bloc, the purpose of the Party's activities is: Uniting the entire people, serving the Fatherland and the strength of the Party is unity. Therefore, the issue of internal Party unity is the most important issue, only with unity within the Party can there be national unity. Unity within the Party is the foundation, the flag that gathers the People and the entire nation. For the Party to be strong and truly united, the entire Party must have unity in thought, unity in action, unity in unity, only then can it fulfill the Party's mission.
To continue to maintain and promote the Party's leadership role in the Vietnamese revolution, bringing our country into a new era, it is necessary to pay attention to doing well the following contents:
Firstly, promoting the tradition of solidarity and unity within the Party spreads throughout the political system and is the core in building the great national solidarity bloc.
Promoting the fine traditions of the Party and our nation, with the ideological foundation of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, based on the specific historical conditions of the country, our Party not only maintains its leadership role but is also the decisive factor in the victory of the country's renovation. The more we promote the building and rectification of the Party and the political system; carry out the revolution of streamlining the organizational apparatus for effective and efficient operation, the more we need to promote the tradition of solidarity and unity within the Party, firmly uphold the ideological foundation of the Party, creatively apply those thoughts to the reality of the country in order to build correct, accurate guidelines and policies, suitable to the reality of the Vietnamese revolution.
Second, focus on doing a good job of ideological work in Party building.
Ideology is the foundation for building guidelines and policies, and guidelines and policies are the basis for solidarity and unity within the Party. Wrong guidelines are the source of division and division within the Party. Based on the correct political guidelines, the Party always strengthens ideological leadership - building correct viewpoints and stances for all cadres and party members, consolidating ideological unity, preventing all opportunist tendencies, combining patriotic education with socialism, thereby mobilizing all talents, intelligence and creativity of all cadres, party members and people to advance the revolutionary cause day by day.
Third, in implementing the principle of democratic centralism and personnel work
In its organization and action, the Communist Party of Vietnam considers the principle of democratic centralism as the fundamental principle guiding the Party's organization, activities and operations. It ensures unity of will and action, creates the invincible strength of a genuine revolutionary Party, and is the principle that distinguishes the Party of the working class from other parties.
The maximal development of intellectual democracy and creativity of all Party members is one of the important guarantees for the vitality of the Party. Autocratic, authoritarian leadership, patriarchal style, imposition of ideology as well as one-sided solidarity and paltry concessions on matters of principle are completely alien to the proletarian Party itself.
However, democracy must be under centralized direction, the fullest democracy must be combined with the highest concentration, these two aspects are the premise for each other to form the nature of the democratic centralism regime, the principles of which are: the few are subject to the many, the lower levels are subject to the higher levels, the individual is subject to the organization, the whole Party is subject to the National Congress of the Party and the Central Executive Committee - the highest leadership body between two congresses - elected by the congress. Violating these contents means undermining the Party's discipline, undermining the Party's unity and solidarity.
The principle of democratic centralism, if well implemented, will contribute to building a team of capable cadres to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth, helping the Party to establish unity and concentration in ideology and will to act, using the strength of the organization to solve all problems, with smooth leadership from top to bottom, close coordination between party organizations and cadres and party members on the basis of correct guidelines and adopted resolutions.
Fourth, strictly implement the principles of self-criticism and criticism; closely associate with the People.
In the process of building socialism, there is always a struggle between the new and the old, between the progressive and the backward. In the face of changing situations and tasks, some comrades perceive quickly, while others perceive slowly, unable to keep up with the new situations and tasks. Self-criticism and criticism coupled with raising the level of awareness of cadres and party members is a fundamental method to resolve these contradictions, create high consensus within the Party and educate cadres and party members to promote their strengths, overcome their weaknesses, and make continuous progress...
Entering a new era, with many new, difficult and complicated things appearing, self-criticism and criticism within the Party must be determined to be closely related to the Party-People relationship. The Party requires each cadre and Party member to courageously face the truth, and the Party does not tolerate the attitude of concealing shortcomings, exaggerating achievements, deceiving superiors, showing deference or taking revenge on critics... The Party also criticizes the attitude of considering self-criticism and criticism as an opportunity to attack each other, but must consider it an opportunity for internal Party activities to contribute ideas to help each other progress, and consolidate solidarity and unity. The core of self-criticism and criticism is pure motivation, correct methods, going beyond normal personal relationships to carry out criticism and self-criticism regularly and with quality for the sake of a strong organization and the maturity of the entire team. Communist self-criticism and criticism are not to find winners and losers, but to understand each other better, learn more, build a stronger party organization, and make party members and party organizations more loved and trusted by the people.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Cuong
Institute of Party Building, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
Source: https://baothanhhoa.vn/coi-nguon-suc-manh-cua-dang-237956.htm
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