Clear facility requirements
Accordingly, the technical facilities of the motorcycle and motorbike emission inspection facility must include: Waiting area and inspection result return; Inspection area; Emission analysis equipment (motor vehicle emission measurement device); Information technology system; Listed information.
The Ministry of Transport proposed to regulate that the technical facilities of emission testing facilities must ensure convenient and safe testing activities (illustrative photo).
In addition, the technical facilities of the inspection facility must be arranged to ensure convenient and safe inspection activities without hindering other activities.
The waiting area and the return of inspection results must be separate from the inspection area and must not affect the inspection process.
Meanwhile, the inspection area must meet the following requirements: Each inspection location (corresponding to 1 emission analysis device) must have a minimum area of 6m2; Have a roof; Have forced ventilation equipment; Ensure lighting; The floor of the inspection area must be firm, flat and non-slip.
In addition, the inspection area must be marked with a yellow border on the floor with a border width of 10cm.
Regarding the requirements for exhaust gas analysis equipment, the draft Regulation stipulates that it must be able to measure exhaust gas components according to environmental laws; there must be a water separation system to prevent water from entering the inspection chamber; the sampling head must have a mechanism to fix the sampling head to the exhaust pipe.
The exhaust gas analysis equipment system must be able to connect to the inspection software.
In addition to exhaust gas analysis equipment, exhaust gas testing facilities must have equipment to measure engine oil temperature, equipment to measure crankshaft rotation speed; and hand-held tools to serve exhaust gas testing work.
Regarding the device control software, it must be able to connect to the emission analysis device; control the device to operate properly according to the inspection process; display measurement values in real time, give instructions for the inspector to perform operations; read measurement results at the end of the inspection process and store them in the database; connect to the computer and print out the inspection results after completing the inspection process.
In addition, this software must also connect and exchange information with the Inspection Management software about: inspection results of completed vehicles, inspection time. The connection and exchange of information must ensure accuracy.
Inspection data is backed up and stored for at least 36 months on the inspection facility's server.
Motorcycle and motorbike emission inspection facilities must install cameras to monitor the inspection line and store images for at least 30 days (illustrative photo).
Store inspection images for at least 30 days
According to the draft standard, an inspection management information system is built to manage emission inspection facilities and vehicle inspection activities.
The emission inspection database has at least information about the emission inspection facility; personnel at the inspection facility; inspection equipment management; vehicle inspection; information on management and use of emission inspection stamps.
The features of the Emission Inspection Management software must ensure the creation and storage of inspection data; connection and exchange of information with the inspection equipment control software; connection and exchange of information with the inspection database of the management agency; retrieval, statistics, and reporting related to inspection activities; and have features to ensure data security and prevent external interference.
Similar to motor vehicle inspection facilities, emission inspection facilities must be equipped with inspection surveillance camera systems on the inspection line, ensuring observation and storage of clips and images of inspection locations on the inspection line for a minimum period of 30 days.
The surveillance camera image signal must be connected to the Vietnam Register and the local Department of Transport for monitoring and supervision.
According to the Vietnam Register, according to the provisions of Article 42 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, the Minister of Transport is responsible for regulating the National Technical Regulations on technical facilities and locations of facilities for inspecting exhaust emissions of motorbikes and mopeds; to meet the requirements for regulations on inspection of exhaust emissions of motorbikes and mopeds in this Law.
The goal is to control emissions from motorbikes and scooters in circulation, thereby improving vehicle quality, contributing to reducing emissions from motorbikes and scooters, and protecting the environment.
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