The design of the new red book model to be reasonable, harmonious and meet the needs of use needs to be taken into consideration by the authorities to save time and effort of the people.
New red book model - Photo: Q.THE
From the story "New red book is too small, worried about having to change it frequently", reader Trung Kien sent Tuoi Tre Online an article expressing his concerns.
Concerns about new red book
People are interested in the form of land use rights certificate, property ownership rights attached to land (red book).
Many people think that the new red book design has only two pages, the size of A4 paper, instead of four pages like before, especially in box number 6 about "Changes after granting the certificate" only about half a page is too little.
In fact, when I looked at the specific certificate recently issued, I also had the same concerns.
In general, the change from a "book" consisting of four pages (like an A3 sheet of paper) to a "paper" consisting of only two pages (like an A4 sheet of paper) may be due to the management agency wanting to calculate the most minimalist design of the certificate, creating convenience in storage and use, saving printing costs and issuance budget.
This two-page certificate is issued in accordance with Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BTNMT dated July 31, 2024 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regulating cadastral records, land use right certificates, and property ownership rights attached to land (replacing previous related circulars, issuing a four-page certificate form).
In which, the certificate template is designed to include two pages.
Page 1 contains personal information of the land user and information about the land plot and the certificate issuing agency.
Page 2 contains information about the plot's map and coordinates and devotes just over half a page to updating changes after the certificate is issued.
Need to design a new, more reasonable red book model
In this form and the actual certificate that was issued, I see that the personal information of the person being issued the certificate and the information about the land plot, as well as the section stating the agency issuing the certificate, are designed to be compact, leaving a lot of space on this page blank and unused.
While it is possible to include the plot diagram and coordinates in the blank space on page 1.
Thus, the entire page 2 can be devoted to the fluctuation update section. With the current trading needs of people, it can meet at least 5-7 fluctuation updates on this page 2.
Previously, when the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment released this draft circular for comments, the design of the certificate was made quite reasonable.
In which all the content about the personal information of the person granted the certificate; information, diagram and coordinates of the land plot; the part of the agency granting the certificate is designed compactly in one page (these contents can be reduced to a smaller ratio without much impact), the section for updating changes after granting the certificate is devoted to the entire page 2.
I don't know why, when Circular 10 was officially issued, the certificate form was adjusted as it is now?
I think the design of paper samples to be reasonable, harmonious and meet the needs of people also needs to be concerned and noted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
This will save costs for the certificate holder, as they do not have to change the certificate frequently, as the update part fluctuates too little.
Not to mention that administrative procedures in the field of granting land use right certificates are now much simpler than before, but still take a lot of time and effort from people.
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