The rain of 10s in the 3 common exams makes the university entrance scores unpredictable. The multiple choice tests are controversial? The situation of cheating in exams in some localities is difficult to control...
Are these the problems that have, are, and will continue to arise after 8 years of organizing the "2 in 1" exam, for high school graduation and university and college admission?
Many questions are being raised about the national high school graduation exam. What is the most suitable solution that can bring about the most satisfaction and objectivity?
Inadequacies in organizing high school graduation exams
Since 2014, the Ministry of Education and Training has officially decided to combine the high school graduation exam and the university entrance exam into one with the expectation that universities can use the results of the high school graduation exam as a basis for university admission.
However, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Kim Hong, former Principal of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, said that the goal of the high school exam did not meet expectations: "The expectation of using high school exam results for university admission... the goal is not very high, especially when the differentiation is not very high, especially the lack of differentiation in the annual high school exam".
In addition, the switch from essay to multiple-choice exams since 2017 has created a storm of 10-point scores with over 4,200 exams, 70 times more than in 2016. High exam scores have caused the benchmark scores of schools to increase dramatically, even exceeding 30 points, leaving many candidates and parents unable to react.
In particular, the conversion of Math to multiple-choice testing has also caused much controversy, because it does not promote students' logical thinking, problem-posing and problem-solving skills and does not create fairness in learning and testing. Many students rely on luck rather than focusing on self-study.
Le Duc Tri, a first-year student at the Banking Academy in Hanoi, said: "With the current high school graduation exam method, all subjects are multiple-choice, even Math, so the exam scores do not truly reflect the students' learning abilities and do not promote logical thinking.
Many students in the class study normally but when taking exams, they are at the top of the class. Or the graduation exam scores are too high, leading to the entrance scores of many universities being very high, 27, 28 points to pass the university entrance exam, even in many cases, the top scorer in the graduation exam still fails the university entrance exam.
According to some experts, the high school exam is essentially to assess whether the quality of teaching and learning meets the requirements set by the State in the general education program. In fact, currently, over 90% of students pass the graduation exam, and in many localities, this number is even over 100%.
While Vietnam is moving towards universalizing high school, according to a listener, the quality of high school graduation only needs to be at an average level, without necessarily investing too much in an exam or promoting fierce competition between schools.
A listener commented: "Every year, no matter what kind of exam, centralized or not centralized... it reveals shortcomings such as wasting money, meaning we will lose too much money, thousands of billions already. Second, university admission based on high school exam scores is not scientific at all, so it does not meet the requirements. University admission is not compatible with high school exams. In my opinion, we should not take the exam in the current expensive way, how can we take the exam to save money. University exams should be separated."
Some opinions suggest that it is necessary to review the current way of organizing high school exams, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, and from there propose solutions to overcome them, and propose that the Government and the National Assembly make adjustments to suit the actual situation.
Need for innovation in high school exams
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Kim Hong, former Principal of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, said that although the high school graduation exam has not met expectations in terms of using high school exam results for university admission due to lack of differentiation, it is still very necessary.
" The national high school exam is very important to rank high schools, educational and training institutions , and at the same time evaluate the learning situation of students. Which subjects students are weak in so that we can have appropriate policies in the following years. Therefore, this is a necessary exam. However, we need to have a way to organize it so that it is less tiring for candidates, and does not create waste in society.
Instead of organizing the exam in one day, which costs students too much effort and time to travel, the exam can be divided into many stages so that schools can carry it out. If we apply the development of information technology, schools are autonomous and responsible, especially honest, then we can completely organize the exam in each high school based on the national exam bank. If we can do that, the principals of high schools can issue certificates or high school graduation certificates to students in the future," said Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Kim Hong.
Currently, applying the new general education program, National Assembly delegate, Prof. Dr. Thai Van Thanh, Director of Nghe An Department of Education and Training, said that after 2025, the organization of the national high school exam needs to be reformed to suit the actual situation:
"We still have 1 more year to go and we will continue to hold this exam. From 2025 onwards, we will still organize the 2-in-1 exam but the maximum number of subjects will be only 4, including 2 compulsory subjects and 2 elective subjects. This will reduce pressure on students. The 2 elective subjects in the remaining 9 subjects are suitable for the program, in line with the spirit of the program which is to develop students' qualities and abilities. Currently, we are taking 6 exams," Mr. Thanh stated his opinion.
Mr. Dinh Quoc Binh, Principal of Luong The Vinh High School, said that in the long term, the education sector needs to have a roadmap, prepare human resources, select experts, and gradually build a question bank to create initiative in organizing the high school exam: " When we have built a bank that is sufficient to meet the needs, we can organize the exam 1-2 times a year. In the future, it will still be the high school graduation exam, but by region, by province or city, aiming for the long term. Universities with autonomy can have many forms of appropriate admission."
From the actual process of applying for a job, according to Dinh The Hung in Hanoi, a high school diploma is not a ticket to apply for a job at a company or business, so the organization process can be simplified.
"If universities can organize an exam with their own style and requirements, they can organize it themselves without necessarily relying on the results of the national high school exam. In my opinion, a high school diploma is no longer enough to apply for a job to serve the job. If it can be simplified, just issue a graduation certificate to those who do not need to take the university entrance exam," Hung shared.
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