Regarding the case of a teacher mobilizing parents to contribute money to buy laptops, on the morning of October 1, Mr. Vo Cao Long, Head of the Department of Education and Training of District 1, said that today 36 out of 38 students of class 4/3 returned to school, 2 students were absent due to illness.
The Department of Education and Training and the school assigned Ms. Dinh Thi Kim Thoa, Vice Principal, to be in charge of teaching this class, replacing Ms. Truong Phuong Hanh, the homeroom teacher of class 4/3.
Ms. Dinh Thi Kim Thoa, Vice Principal of Chuong Duong Primary School. (Photo: Quoc Doan)
According to Mr. Long, Ms. Thoa has been an excellent teacher for many years. Yesterday afternoon, she proactively interacted with the parents of the class. When they learned that the vice principal would replace Ms. Hanh, all the parents agreed to let their children go back to school.
District 1 leaders met and agreed to resolutely handle cases of law violations (if any), not cover up violations. The handling will be carried out publicly, transparently, clarifying public information.
"The school's board of directors has asked teacher Truong Phuong Hanh to clarify the content related to her that is being uploaded on social networks and submit it before 9:00 a.m. on October 3," Mr. Long informed.
Mr. Le Cong Minh, Principal of Chuong Duong Primary School, said the school has decided to temporarily suspend Ms. Hanh from teaching for 15 days.
" We are not covering up, we are just processing, asking parents for time to resolve the matter," Mr. Minh affirmed. On September 30, the Board of Directors of Chuong Duong School quickly established a working group including representatives of the Department of Education and Training, the Party Committee, the School Board of Directors, the School Union, and the People's Inspectorate to meet with teacher Hanh.
As for Ms. Truong Phuong Hanh, the main character in the campaign to mobilize parents to contribute money to buy personal laptops, she met with the press on the morning of September 30 to explain the incident.
Ms. Hanh said that she lost her laptop at school during the 2022-2023 school year. This year, class 4/3 is equipped with a TV, so she wanted a laptop to prepare lessons and connect to the TV for convenient teaching.
“ I did not ask the principal for permission from the beginning because I thought that asking to buy a laptop was a normal thing, in line with the policy of socializing education, the State and the people do it together, many people do it. I do not equalize but rely on the voluntary spirit of parents. If there is no laptop, the TV will be a waste," said Ms. Hanh.
After the Principal got the information, he instructed Ms. Hanh not to accept support money from parents. Therefore, on September 16, Ms. Hanh created a vote on the parents' zalo group about agreeing/disagreeing to support money to buy a laptop.
Regarding the reason why the school board did not immediately reject the request but had to create a vote, Ms. Hanh explained: " I created a vote to have an excuse to reject, because if someone complained to the school, there would be people who would disagree."
As for the question "Which child's parent?" with the voter disagreeing, it was because there were 38 parents in the class so they didn't know who was who.
“ Many people think I am angry, but I am not angry with the parents. I still love and teach the children normally,” Ms. Hanh affirmed.
Regarding not preparing an outline for class after the unsuccessful request for money to buy a laptop, Ms. Hanh said that in elementary school, there is no outline and teachers only instruct on review content during tests.
After the incident, Ms. Hanh apologized to the parents, hoping they would rest assured that she was still teaching and loving her students. However, many parents still asked to transfer their children to another class.
It is known that Ms. Truong Phuong Hanh has 30 years of experience working in the education sector and 18 years of teaching at Chuong Duong Primary School.
On September 30, the Board of Directors of Chuong Duong School quickly established a working group including representatives of the Department of Education and Training, the Party Committee, the School Board of Directors, the School Union, and the People's Inspectorate to meet with teacher Hanh.
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