(Dan Tri) - Just because a joke was misunderstood by a student, teacher Baiklautchmee Subrian was fired by Gilbert Colvin Primary School (England).
Baiklautchmee Subrian, a teacher with 35 years of teaching experience, was fired after a student complained that she had misunderstood her joke, so she took the matter to court.
Before she was forced to leave her job, Ms. Subrian taught at Gilbert Colvin Primary School in Ilford, London, England. While preparing her students for a maths test, one student asked her what would happen if he didn’t put his papers in the correct order when he handed them in.
Teacher Subrian replied that she would "hit the student on the head," then raised her hand to make a hitting motion.
Before having to quit her job, teacher Baiklautchmee Subrian had 35 years of teaching experience (Illustration: iStock).
According to Ms. Subrian, it was a joke and all the other students in the class understood it was a joke with no malicious intent. However, the student who asked the question reported the incident to the school because she found Ms. Subrian’s response and actions unacceptable. The student said she felt disappointed and threatened.
The next day, Ms. Subrian was called into work by the principal. She was informed that the school would conduct an internal investigation into the incident reported by the student.
During the school's investigation, Ms. Subrian said that the student who reported the incident continued to participate in the club she organized after school, so she did not think he really felt as negative as he had stated.
However, after the investigation was over, Ms. Subrian received a letter informing her that the school had decided to terminate her employment. The school explained that although she thought she was joking, she needed to understand that the student who asked her questions did not speak English as a first language, so there were things he would not understand as quickly and accurately as many other students.
As a teacher, she needs to be thoughtful and careful in her words and actions to ensure that all her students have a positive feeling about the teacher and the school.
Ms. Subrian believes that the investigation and the school's decision were unfair, even too harsh. Therefore, she took the case to court in the hope of finding justice for herself. The trial just took place, Judge Jack Feeny - who heard the case - dismissed Ms. Subrian's petition.
Judge Feeny said: "I am not concerned with the question of whether Ms Subrian's statement was a joke. The main issue is that Ms Subrian should not have said it in her role as a teacher.
The hand gesture she made with her statement made things even more serious, given that the student she was talking to did not use English as her native language.
According to Judge Feeny, in a similar situation, but with a class of students who spoke fluent English, all of whom laughed at the teacher's joke and did not find anything offensive, the teacher would not have a serious problem.
However, in Ms. Subrian's case, there was a student who was "weaker" than the others in terms of language. Ms. Subrian, as the teacher in charge of the class, needed to understand that in order to support the student more.
In Ms. Subrian's case, even though she only disappointed one student with her joke, she still had to take responsibility as the teacher in charge of the class.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/co-giao-bi-duoi-viec-vi-cau-noi-dua-va-dong-tac-tuong-vo-hai-voi-hoc-sinh-20250301082620691.htm
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