While most schools currently reserve a large portion of their enrollment quotas for early admission methods, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) plans to reduce its early admission quotas. This regulation is causing much disagreement.
Concerns about increased student pressure
In 2025, the first batch of students following the 2018 General Education Program will graduate from high school, so university admission regulations also need to be renewed to meet the requirements of the new program.
The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced a draft Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulations on university and college admissions for preschool education issued together with Circular No. 08/2022/BGDDT dated June 6, 2022 of the Minister of Education and Training.
The notable new point is the regulations to strictly manage early admission.
The Ministry allows schools to determine their own quotas, but controls the ratio to limit schools from devoting most of their quotas to this method, causing the admission benchmark for the method using graduation exam results to be pushed too high, reducing candidates' opportunities.
Accordingly, schools are only allowed to reserve quotas for early admission not exceeding 20% of the total quotas for each major and group of majors. Schools must also ensure that the admission score for early admission is not lower than the admission score for the general planned admission round.
While most schools currently reserve a large portion of their enrollment quotas for early admission methods, this regulation is causing mixed opinions, arguing that if applied, it will be a barrier to enrollment for universities; and for candidates, it will reduce their chances of early admission.
On some social networking forums about education, many parents expressed disagreement with the above regulations in the draft.
Ms. Nguyen Thu Huong (Ba Dinh district, Hanoi) said that the main methods of early admission are considering academic records, considering the results of separate exams, considering a combination of criteria such as international language certificate scores... Early admission has been applied by universities for many years and occupies the majority of enrollment quotas.
To increase their chances of getting into university, Ms. Huong’s child, like many other students, spends a lot of time studying and reviewing during their 3 years of high school to “hunt” for early university admission. Ms. Huong expressed her wish: “Changing the admission plan needs a roadmap so that the students’ efforts in studying and taking exams as well as the parents’ money are not wasted.”
A university representative said that the Ministry of Education and Training's regulation that the early admission quota should not exceed 20% will cause difficulties for schools. This will cause the admission score based on the high school graduation exam to decrease, while the early admission score may increase.
Creating fairness in admissions
In response to concerns from students, parents and universities about the regulation on reducing early admission quotas in the draft circular amending and supplementing the university admission regulations, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training said that the draft regulation requires equivalent conversion of the review scores and admission scores of the admission methods, along with the requirement that the early admission score is not lower than the admission score in the general admission round, automatically limits the scale of early admission.
The 20% limit is based on the practical situation of enrollment in recent years, so that early enrollment only focuses on candidates with outstanding abilities and academic achievements, limiting the impact on students' studies in the final semester of grade 12 and high school graduation exam preparation.
The most important thing is to create fairness among candidates when applying, because not all students are able to apply early without completing grade 12.
Ms. Thuy emphasized that reducing the scale of early admission not only does not cause difficulties, but also creates more favorable conditions for the admission work of schools and candidates.
“Whether we consider early admission or only consider admission in the general round, the total number of candidates registering for the exam will not change. Why do schools have to work so hard to compete for early admission? Why do students who have not completed grade 12 have to work so hard to submit applications to many places, and then not feel secure in studying?
While the Ministry of Education and Training has a common enrollment support system with a complete database and an online process that is completely convenient for both candidates and schools," Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy expressed her opinion and said that it is time to look back at the early enrollment trend objectively, to find fundamental solutions and completely resolve the shortcomings arising from it.
Regarding the university admission method using high school transcripts, the draft circular amending and supplementing the university admission regulations stipulates that schools must use the learning results of the entire 12th grade year instead of using the learning results of 5 semesters (ie the learning results of grades 10, 11 and semester 1 of grade 12) as at present.
This regulation aims to increase input quality and limit the situation of students being negligent and subjective when they have met the conditions for early admission to university.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/giam-chi-tieu-xet-tuyen-som-co-giam-co-hoi-do-dai-hoc-cua-thi-sinh-10295388.html
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