In addition to beef noodles and pho, Hue people have the habit of eating rice noodles every early morning. Almost every small hamlet sells noodles. In the past, from early morning, noodle vendors often started from An Cuu, spreading throughout the city, into the inner citadel. Each vendor chose a neighborhood or hamlet to sell. The Luong Y hamlet in the old Citadel was famous for Mrs. Xay's noodle vendor, which moved from An Cuu to sell right in front of the Luong Y primary school. Now, the area close to the citadel has been cleared, the primary school has also been demolished, the population in the small hamlet has gradually thinned out, so the street vendors selling breakfast foods such as noodles, mussel rice, grilled meat sandwiches... are no longer there.
However, if you walk to the other side of Luong Y bridge (Xuan Sau Tam street), the area near Dong Ba gate, Mai Thuc Loan, Dinh Tien Hoang... every morning, for only 10,000 VND, you can enjoy a bowl of hot, sweet rice noodle soup, imbued with the spicy flavor of Hue chili...
After being ground into flour, the rice is kneaded with warm water to form a soft dough. The dough is then rolled into thin layers before being cut into small strands, about 10 to 12 cm long and about 1 cm thick. Thanks to this manual method, the noodles in a bowl of Hue noodle soup are always very soft, have a pleasant aroma of rice flour and do not leave a sour aftertaste when eaten like noodles made from other industrial flours.
On cold winter days, a bowl of banh canh sold in a small hamlet on the outskirts of the Citadel has become an unforgettable memory in the hearts of many Hue people... Nowadays, the poor hamlets in the Hue Citadel relic site have been cleared, and the "legendary" banh canh stall has disappeared. However, coming to Hue at this time, it is not too difficult to find a bowl of banh canh with traditional flavors, the only difference is that the pot of banh canh is no longer kept in a carrying pole but is cooked on the spot, or transported by car...
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