Maternity is an important social insurance regime that supports female workers during childbirth and child rearing (Illustration: Hoang Yen).
Recently, An Binh's account posted on social network Tiktok boasting about receiving a maternity allowance of nearly 150 million VND, causing many workers to stir and "beg for luck" to be like her. Many people also wondered how to get such a large amount of maternity allowance.
According to Vietnam Social Security, the level of maternity benefits is stipulated in Article 39 of the Social Security Law 2014. Accordingly, female employees who give birth are entitled to 6 months of maternity benefits, the monthly benefit is equal to 100% of the average monthly salary for social insurance contributions of the 6 months before taking maternity leave.
In addition, Article 38 of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance stipulates: "Female employees who give birth or employees who adopt children under 6 months old are entitled to a one-time allowance for each child equal to 2 times the basic salary in the month the female employee gives birth or the month the employee adopts the child."
Compared with the above regulations, the maternity allowance for female workers when giving birth is equal to 6 months of salary (average of 6 consecutive months before giving birth) and the one-time allowance is equal to 2 times the basic salary (currently 3.6 million VND).
Thus, to receive a maternity allowance of 150 million VND, a female worker must have an average salary of 25 million VND/month for the 6 consecutive months before giving birth. It should be noted that the salary here is the salary used as the basis for monthly social insurance payments for workers.
150 million VND is not the highest maternity allowance that female workers can receive. Because for specialist and management positions in large enterprises, a salary of several tens of millions of VND/month is not uncommon. The higher the salary subject to social insurance, the higher the maternity allowance will be. However, the maternity allowance also has a maximum limit.
According to current regulations, the maximum salary used as the basis for social insurance contributions is 20 times the basic salary. Currently, the basic salary is 1.8 million VND/month, so the maximum is 36 million VND/month.
Therefore, even though the actual salary of the employee is very high, the salary used as the basis for social insurance payment is still only calculated at 36 million VND/month. Therefore, the maximum maternity allowance for female employees giving birth will be 219.6 million VND (6 months salary is 216 million VND and 3.6 million VND in one-time allowance).
Currently, maternity benefits are an important benefit for workers, especially female workers. According to the 2024 Social Insurance Law Implementation Summary Report of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, since the introduction of maternity benefits, the number of people receiving this benefit has been increasing steadily over the years. In 6 years (from 2016 to 2021), over 10 million people have received maternity benefits.
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