Girl cured of breast cancer thanks to early detection of cancer
Thinking she was still young and in good health, NTT, 29 years old (in Hanoi) often did not go for regular health check-ups. However, recently, Ms. T. discovered an unusual lump in her left breast that was gradually getting bigger and a bit painful, so she went to the hospital for a check-up.
Through examination and clinical results, Master, Doctor Le Van Long, Center for Nuclear Medicine and Oncology, Bach Mai Hospital (Hanoi) said that the patient was diagnosed with a tumor in the left breast. After a biopsy, the patient was diagnosed with breast cancer .
The doctors consulted and removed the entire breast and axillary lymph nodes (when performing skin-sparing surgery to preserve the areola) for the patient. After that, Ms. T. underwent surgery to reconstruct her left breast using a DIEP flap (all excess skin and fat tissue in the abdomen) to cover the defect in the operated breast.
The breast that was operated on after shaping is very symmetrical and can reach 90% compared to the other breast. Currently, the patient's condition is stable, almost completely cured.
Through this case, the doctor said that the misfortune was also partly fortunate because the patient was discovered with cancer in the early stage (stage 2). The doctor recommended that screening plays a very important role.
Currently, the rate of regular health check-ups in Vietnam is quite low, especially among young people. "They often think that young people have a low risk of breast cancer. However, currently, the rate of breast cancer patients tends to be younger, with patients in their 20s having breast cancer," said Dr. Long.
6 early warning signs of breast cancer
Chest or breast pain
Symptoms of breast pain and breast tenderness during pregnancy or during menstruation are considered normal. However, if these symptoms appear on normal days and the pain persists and increases during menstruation, you should go for a check-up, ultrasound and breast MRI to check your breasts.
Abnormal breast enlargement
If you feel your breasts are unusually large, your breasts are not proportional, or you often feel hard, you should be careful. This could be a sign of breast cancer.
Breast lump
Every month after menstruation, many women can feel a "strange lump" in their breast. These lumps can be benign or malignant. This is a very important step because many cases of breast cancer are detected early through monthly breast self-exams and combined mammograms and breast ultrasounds when there is suspicion.
Swollen axillary lymph nodes
When examining your breasts, you can also check your armpits. If there is an unusual mass, you should also see a specialist immediately. Axillary lymph nodes can have many causes, but they can also be the first sign of breast cancer. There are quite a few cases of breast cancer diagnosed when the patient accidentally discovers axillary lymph nodes.
Breast skin changes
Some changes in the skin of the breast such as: redness, swelling in the form of orange peel... you should see a doctor immediately because this could be a warning sign of late-stage breast cancer, breast damage.
Inverted nipple
Some normal women have symptoms of congenital nipple retraction. However, if your nipple suddenly retracts completely, accompanied by symptoms of hardness and cannot be pulled out as usual, the skin is contracted, wrinkled and there may be small grains in the areola around the nipple, unusual discharge from the nipple... then you should see a specialist for examination, diagnosis and early treatment advice.
3 ways to prevent breast cancer
Currently, there is no food or diet that can prevent breast cancer. However, you need to choose a scientific diet and lifestyle to help your body stay healthy, strengthen your immune system to help reduce the risk of breast cancer to the lowest possible level.
Do exercise
Women who exercised more than 4 hours per week were found to have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who did not exercise. The effect of exercise on reducing breast cancer risk was most pronounced in premenopausal women of normal or low weight.
Breast self-examination at home
Breast self-examination is an important step in detecting breast cancer early by recognizing early signs of abnormalities appearing in the breast.
Breast examination can be done at home and should be done once a month, usually on the 7th - 10th day of the menstrual cycle (Day 1 of the menstrual cycle = the first day of menstruation) because at this time the breast is softest, you can easily self-examine to detect abnormalities.
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