Since the 2018 general education program was still in the drafting process, many teachers did not agree with the fact that the subjects that were currently independent were combined into one integrated subject at the secondary school level. However, the Ministry of Education and Training was still determined to implement it. Responding to the press, experts in building comprehensive programs and integrated subject programs called it a trend in line with educational innovation.
When the program was issued and tested, the Ministry of Education and Training assigned publishers to test and then apply it widely, so a number of teachers were passive in the daily teaching process. Schools had to assign many teachers to teach an integrated subject, leading to difficulties in implementing the 2018 General Education Program.
Integrated books but no "integrated author" yet
Currently, textbooks for grades 6, 7, and 8 have new subjects such as: history and geography; natural science; local education content...
It is noteworthy that the authors of textbooks are still standing alone, each subject is written by that person. The knowledge content of the subjects in the integrated books is still arranged separately, independent of each other. The content of the training modules is still arranged separately for each subject and is not yet integrated. However, according to the regulations in the 2018 General Education Program of the Ministry of Education and Training, integrated subjects are only taught by one "integrated" teacher.
This is a forced thing because the team of experts who write programs, write textbooks, and lecturers who have, are, and will train teachers to teach integrated subjects are all people who research and teach single subjects but guide teachers to teach multiple subjects.
Integrated natural science subject in grade 7 textbooks
Meanwhile, the previous secondary school teacher’s qualification was college, now university, while experts and university lecturers all have much higher degrees and titles. Most of the authors of the curriculum and textbooks are doctors, associate professors, and professors. The lowest qualification is a master’s degree - but the number of masters is very small.
However, if a textbook has many experts working together to write and compile it, but it has not yet been integrated, can an "integrated" teacher complete the requirements and goals set by the Ministry of Education and Training?
The school has encountered many difficulties in deploying teachers to teach integrated subjects. With 4 grades, the knowledge of the secondary school level has hundreds of different lessons, not just a few lessons that this year can be assigned to this teacher to teach this grade, next year can be assigned to teach another grade. If a teacher does not thoroughly understand the knowledge he is teaching, how can the students respect and trust him?
Textbooks are designed for 1 book - 1 subject but have 2-3 teachers, even 6 teachers (local education content) to teach, making students go from one surprise to another. Teachers in many schools are confused about how to implement effectively and achieve the goals as set out in the program.
Schools face many difficulties in deploying teachers to teach integrated subjects.
Integrated subject experts must teach a few integrated lessons.
As teachers embark on teaching the new curriculum, publishers provide links to a number of practice lessons for integrated subjects.
Most of these model lessons are elaborately constructed by many people, more like "models" than mass teaching methods. Most of these lessons are conducted by teachers at the grassroots level.
The process of mass application of integrated subjects raises many problems, especially teachers have to teach thematic lessons. Moreover, the curriculum of each class is not simply 1-2 sample lessons, for example, natural science has up to 140 lessons/school year.
Meanwhile, previous teacher training only trained and taught one subject for decades, so teachers have become accustomed to the old training and teaching methods. Although general knowledge is not too difficult, because it has not been accessed for too long, it has gradually faded away. Therefore, teaching the content in integrated books is an extremely difficult and arduous process.
Textbook for integrated natural science, history and geography for grade 8
If experts from the Department of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Training, and the team of authors who compile integrated textbooks stand up to teach a few sample lessons, especially thematic lessons, so that teachers can see the advantages of integrated teaching, it will probably have a big impact on the teaching staff across the country.
If experts can use teachers as hypothetical students, teachers at the grassroots level will be... "admired". At that time, teachers will no longer complain about the innovation when many independent subjects of the 2006 program are transferred to integrated subjects in the 2018 General Education Program for secondary school level.
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