Through this year's score distribution, it can be seen that both the exam questions and the results have been stable compared to recent years. From the organization to the results of the exam, the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Education and Training has been followed, maintaining psychological stability for candidates and parents as well as stability in the admission process of universities.
The results of the 2024 high school graduation exam are extremely objective and can be completely trusted for university admission.
This is the opinion of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Chairman of the Council of the University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, after the Ministry of Education and Training announced the score distribution of high school graduation exam subjects in 2024.
" The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the results of the 2024 National High School Graduation Exam. And we can be very happy with the announced score distribution, as well as the successes of the exam invigilation and grading work," shared Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc.
He assessed: The 2024 High School Exam was successful, safe, serious and the scores met the expectations of education managers, candidates and parents.
Through this year's score distribution, it can be seen that both the exam questions and the results have been stable compared to recent years.
From the organization to the results of the exam, the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Education and Training was properly implemented, maintaining psychological stability for candidates and parents as well as stability in the admission process of universities.
“I evaluate the results of the exam very objectively. Based on a common knowledge level of the whole country, this year's score range is completely reliable for universities to have a common level for university admission,” said Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc.
The 2024 high school graduation exam results have improved significantly, this is a good point
The Chairman of the Council of the University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi also assessed: Through the results of the exams, it can be seen that the exam matrix as well as the basic difficulty level have remained stable and all subjects have had very positive changes.
This is reflected in the fact that the average score below 5 in all subjects has improved significantly; including subjects such as Math, History, and Physics, which usually have relatively large below-average scores.
The results have improved significantly compared to previous years, demonstrating the stability and efforts in studying and teaching of students and teachers. This is a positive sign for the quality of general education in the country in general.
More attention should be paid to the work of orientation for graduation exams and university admissions.
With the score distribution of subjects such as Math, Physics, especially Chemistry and Geography, the number of 10 points is higher than in previous years. Therefore, Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc predicts that the score distribution of the combination A00, A01, B00, C00, D01 will increase.
For Social Science subjects, for example Literature and Geography, the percentage of excellent scores is high and the percentage of below average scores is low. Meanwhile, for Natural Science subjects such as Mathematics and Physics, although the percentage of excellent scores has improved, the percentage of below average scores is still higher than other subjects.
Therefore, the work of orientation and university entrance exams in the Natural Science group needs to be noted and focused on more.
The 2024 high school graduation exam score distribution shows that high school education is valued.
Professor Pham Hong Quang: High school education has been respected and there is no big deviation.
Evaluating the score distribution of the 2024 high school graduation exam, Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Quang, Chairman of the Thai Nguyen University Council, commented: The 2024 high school graduation exam is considered serious and of high quality. Looking at the analyzed score distribution, it is encouraging to see the convergence, reflecting that high school education has been valued and there is no large deviation.
This proves that in the process of organizing teaching in localities, teachers have paid attention to the fundamental foundation of general education, creating a solid foundation for students to enter life and creating opportunities for them to continue participating in post-secondary education.
“These are telling images and I highly appreciate the way the Ministry of Education and Training analyzed the data, creating a scientific and reliable result,” emphasized Professor Pham Hong Quang.
According to Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Quang, the High School Graduation Exam has two goals. One is to confirm the 12 years of study of students. The exam covered comprehensive content and was evaluated with good results.
High school education will be the foundation for university admissions.
Professor Pham Hong Quang affirmed: The reliability of general education will be the foundation for universities to consider admission based on combinations.
The results also reflect the way the Exam is organized. Although this exam is to end a program, it opens a new trend, students can access post-secondary education with certainty.
From the score distribution results, Professor Pham Hong Quang expressed his joy because from remote areas to developed areas, the convergence of general education is shown in all subject scores, the difference is not much and not significant.
With such a distribution graph, it shows that the teaching organization process, the question making process, and the data analysis have met the requirements.
It is necessary to attach great importance to basic education when implementing the new general education program.
Regarding the 2018 General Education Program that is being implemented and next year students will be evaluated according to the criteria of this Program, Professor Pham Hong Quang said that in the process of organizing teaching and learning, it is necessary to pay great attention to basic knowledge, balance between fields, and pay attention to the combination, interdisciplinary and integrated nature.
Thus, in the process of evaluating students in next year's exam, the questions will also focus on this content, assessing the overall academic ability of the learner and then helping them to have the mindset and methods to solve practical problems with certainty later in life.
That will also encourage and impact the teaching process of teachers. Teachers will value synthesis, value combination and value integrated teaching not only in school but also outside the school.
"We must make general education a foundation to help students enter life, whether they participate in production or study after high school, with a certain level of certainty and good adaptation to changes in the current environment," emphasized Professor Pham Hong Quang.
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