While using social networks, there will be times when you suddenly receive strange links. If you accidentally click on the wrong link and encounter a "toxic link" that attacks your phone or computer, it can bring potential dangers to you.
Users need to be more vigilant against "toxic links" on the internet to protect personal data. (Photo: Shutterstock)
What happens if you click on a "toxic link"?
My advice to you is that before you decide to access a link, you need to make sure that it is safe. But if you accidentally click on a malicious link, what will happen?
The malicious link will lead to a malicious website. At this point, even if you do not do anything, the bad guy can still install malware on your device through browser vulnerabilities. In the worst case, the bad guy has enough control over the computer to steal the user's personal account data.
Hackers can also use fake social media sites like Facebook to offer rewards or through messages trick users into clicking on links.
When asked to fill in personal information, if you skip it, your password will still be protected and vice versa.
Users need to be wary of "toxic links"
If you accidentally clicked on a malicious link, absolutely do not follow the required installation steps. Especially do not provide OTP code or personal information, but quickly exit that page.
In addition, you also need to be careful with files attached to messages or emails. This is necessary even if these attachments have common file extensions such as .pdf, .doc or .xls. Because, sometimes hidden in the attachments are programs that are installed to automatically download malicious code to the user's computer or lead to a malicious link.
Identify "toxic links"
Here are some ways to help users recognize and avoid "toxic links".
One of the most common forms of spreading malicious links today is through comments below Facebook posts. You should absolutely not click if you are not sure what content they contain. In addition, when you encounter links with strange domain names, uncommon, and complicated extensions, be wary of "toxic links".
Furthermore, not accessing websites with sensitive content is also a way to avoid getting viruses on your phone or personal computer to protect your data. In particular, if you access a link that automatically redirects you to another website or automatically redirects you to download strange software that you cannot control on your device, exit that website as quickly as possible.
It can be seen that the development of technology helps us have modern experiences, however, it also has many potential risks of personal information being stolen for bad purposes. Smart users will always be wary of "toxic links" on social networks.
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