Medical news October 10: Digital transformation in healthcare brings many benefits
Over the years, the Ministry of Health has always considered the application of information technology and digital transformation an important and top priority task.
Digital transformation application in the healthcare industry
October 10 is National Digital Transformation Day. From the practice of the health sector, it can be seen that in recent times, in addition to the coordination of ministries, branches, agencies and units, the Ministry of Health has proactively and made efforts to carry out comprehensive digital transformation in all aspects, including developing digital health platforms and developing e-Government towards digital Government in the sector.
Over the years, the Ministry of Health has always considered the application of information technology and digital transformation an important and top priority task. |
The Ministry of Health has deployed medical services such as remote medical examination and treatment; non-communicable disease management; vaccination, national drug management, management software for commune health stations, pharmaceutical management software, etc. to help change the management and operation of the health sector, while reducing health care costs for people and businesses.
In addition, the Ministry of Health basically completed the 10-year targets of Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW, specifically on the goal of developing a digital government in the health sector, 100% of work records at the Ministry of Health are processed online (except for work records within the scope of state secrets); Maintain 100% of online public services at level 4.
At the same time, the Ministry has built and put into use the Ministry of Health's Administrative Procedures Information System, providing a version running on mobile devices; maintaining the Medical Publicity Portal, the Medical Equipment Price Publicity Portal 100% of information on drug prices, medical equipment prices, medical supplies prices, diagnostic biological product prices, medical examination and treatment prices, listed prices, bidding prices, information on products in circulation or recalled, results of administrative procedure handling, violations in advertising... are made public on the portal.
Some reporting regimes, indicators for synthesizing periodic reports and statistical reports in the health sector serving the direction and administration of the Ministry of Health are connected, integrated, and share digital data on the National reporting information system; Developing a digital society in health - 100% of health facilities implement cashless payments;
Most hospitals from provincial level and above and non-public hospitals deploy online and remote medical examination and treatment registration; Digital transformation in disease prevention and public health care, creation of electronic health records; 100% of communes deploy commune health station management software.
Regarding digital transformation in medical examination and treatment, up to now, 63 Departments of Health, 63 social insurance agencies, 100% of medical examination and treatment facilities nationwide have been connected with the appraisal system of Vietnam Social Security; 100% of medical examination and treatment facilities have deployed the hospital information system (HIS); 63/63 provinces and cities have deployed electronic prescriptions.
Regarding citizen identification in medical examination and treatment and data connection, the Ministry of Health said that currently, Vietnam's health insurance coverage rate is 93.35%, with up to 170 million outpatient visits at medical examination and treatment facilities each year, of which health insurance examination and treatment accounts for more than 60% and more than 17 million inpatient treatments, of which health insurance patients account for 80%.
First simultaneous heart-liver transplant for a patient
Mr. D.VH (41 years old) discovered dilated cardiomyopathy a long time ago, with his heart function declining over time, along with liver, kidney and other organs. A week ago, the patient was admitted to Viet Duc Friendship Hospital in a state of heart failure.
On September 30, 2024, the patient had decompensated heart failure, did not respond to conventional treatment, especially acute liver failure developed, and the kidneys were also affected.
Tests showed that Mr. H. had a serious blood clotting disorder, his life was counted in days, maintained by a heart-lung machine to replace the heart function, and a liver filter to replace the liver function. The only way to save the patient's life was to replace both the heart and liver.
Also at September 30, 2024, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital received information from Nghe An General Friendship Hospital (a satellite hospital of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital in terms of surgery, transferred transplant packages from Viet Duc Friendship Hospital) that there was a patient with severe traumatic brain injury and no longer expected to live.
The patient's family wishes to donate their loved one's organs. Nghe An General Hospital requested Viet Duc Friendship Hospital to provide professional support.
As soon as the information was received, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital sent a team to support the patient's resuscitation, assess the brain death status and the condition of the organs in case the organs could be retrieved. At noon on October 1, 2024, doctors determined that the patient was brain dead and the patient's organs could be used for transplantation to other patients.
A meeting of the professional council led by Dr. Duong Duc Hung, Chairman of the Hospital's Scientific Council, urgently summoned experts in the fields of resuscitation, cardiology, liver, and kidney to participate in the consultation.
This is truly a surgery that requires careful consideration of situations because the patient's liver, heart and kidney conditions are all in a very severe stage, with a high risk of death if not transplanted.
This was an extremely difficult case, however the Hospital's Scientific Council decided to proceed with the transplant to bring hope of life to the patient. Immediately after the transplant decision was issued, the departments immediately took action.
Doctors from Viet Duc Friendship Hospital divided into two groups. One group stayed to help Nghe An General Hospital perform two kidney transplants at the same time, while the other group quickly and urgently brought the recovered organs to Viet Duc Friendship Hospital.
After 3 hours and 30 minutes of travel, the organs were brought to Viet Duc Friendship Hospital. The new heart and liver were transplanted into the patient's body. After 8 hours of surgery, the transplanted heart began to beat again.
After the transplant, the patient was transferred to intensive care. After 36 hours, liver and heart functions gradually recovered. In particular, the heart completely replaced the damaged heart, and liver functions gradually improved.
The patient was extubated and conscious. Currently, the patient can talk, interact, eat and drink again, heart function is improving every day, liver function is recovering to almost normal, bile is secreted with good quality.
This is the first time in the history of Vietnamese medicine that doctors have successfully performed a simultaneous heart and liver transplant on a special patient in a severe stage. This shows the development of Vietnamese medicine over the past 20 years, especially in the field of organ transplantation.
The recent achievements in organ transplantation have demonstrated the position of Vietnamese medicine on the world organ transplantation map. The level of medical staff at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital can fully master the techniques, especially the most difficult techniques in organ transplantation.
The success of the transplant demonstrates the coordination of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital as a final hospital with satellite hospitals in transferring techniques, coordinating organizational work to help lower level hospitals develop in organ retrieval and transplantation, and organizational work to obtain transplanted organs.
This is not the first time that organs from donors at lower-level hospitals have been assisted by Viet Duc Friendship Hospital in organ resuscitation, organ retrieval, and on-site transplant support (Xanh Pon General Hospital, Phu Tho General Hospital, Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital, etc.).
The support of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital helps open up treatment options for patients, providing opportunities for patients with end-stage organ failure who no longer respond to traditional treatments.
Do not be subjective with bladder cancer
After a period of treatment with folk remedies but without success, Mr. NQT, 64 years old, Dong Nai, was diagnosed with metastatic bladder cancer.
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Duc, Head of the Department of Urology, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City and Tam Anh General Clinic, District 7, said that Mr. T. had many malignant tumors of different sizes scattered in his bladder. More seriously, the malignant tumors had invaded deep into the bladder muscle layer and metastasized to some lymph nodes in the pelvic area.
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Duc added that in the case of early-stage bladder cancer, it can be treated by surgery to remove the entire bladder, then create a new bladder from a section of the small intestine, and then connect the urethra and two ureters. With this method, the patient can urinate naturally after surgery.
However, in Mr. T's case, the cancer cells had invaded deep into the muscle and had metastasized to the bladder neck and urethra, so this option could not be applied.
The optimal solution is to surgically remove the entire bladder, dredge all metastatic lymph nodes, and then use the small intestine to divert urine from the kidney directly out of the body through a small hole in the abdominal wall.
Initially, Mr. T. was worried about the impact on his quality of life after surgery, but in the end, he accepted surgery because it was the only way to save his life.
Statistics from the World Cancer Registry (GLOBOCAN) in 2022 show that bladder cancer is the 9th most common cancer worldwide and the second in the urinary system (after prostate cancer), with 614,298 new cases and 220,596 deaths.
In the same year in Vietnam, the Organization recorded nearly 2,000 new cases and more than 1,000 deaths from bladder cancer.
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Duc, the cause of bladder cancer is currently unknown. However, people who smoke, have been infected with parasites, are frequently exposed to toxic chemicals or radiation... have a higher risk of getting the disease.
Bladder cancer is difficult to detect because the early signs are easily confused. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients pay attention to reputable medical facilities for early examination when experiencing symptoms of recurrent hematuria (the most common symptom); painful urination, frequent urination; fatigue, loss of appetite, and unexplained rapid weight loss.
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