Not outside that trend, promoting digital transformation in the work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints will help form solid "shields" that contribute to firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation, consolidating and strengthening scientific belief in Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, maintaining solidarity and unity within the Party, social consensus and trust in the Party; preventing and repelling the degradation of political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the Party; preventing bad and toxic information and spreading official and positive information to all classes of people, defeating all plots, tricks and sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces in the new situation.
Orientation training and use of smart social networks for union members and youth in Binh Duong province.
On June 3, 2020, the Prime Minister officially approved the "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030", which defines the vision to 2030 as: "Vietnam becomes a digital, stable and prosperous country, pioneering in testing new technologies and models; fundamentally and comprehensively innovating the management and operation activities of the Government, production and business activities of enterprises, the way people live and work, developing a safe, humane and widespread digital environment".
In recent years, under the wise and timely leadership of the Party and Government, digital transformation in Vietnam has undergone many strong changes, promoting the development of many fields and professions and contributing significantly to the protection of the Party's ideological foundation.
Through digital transformation, the Party's combined strength is effectively promoted in many forms such as applying digital technology to direction, operation, information, reporting and updating, backing up data of Party organizations and Party members; digital transformation effectively supports the management of cadres, Party members, Party committee and cell activities, inspection and supervision work... and the work of propaganda, research, study and dissemination of Party resolutions throughout the Party and the entire population; perfecting the leadership, direction and operation methods of Party committees through information technology applications, putting into use the electronic document system and the Party work reporting information system in the operation activities of the Party and government system... In some provinces and cities, nearly 100% of communes, wards and towns implement the "Electronic Party Member Handbook".
Digital transformation helps the Party's leadership and the Government's administration to promote effectiveness and efficiency, enhance transparency, strengthen closer connections, limit corruption, and create healthy development for society.
This can be considered one of the breakthroughs that significantly contributes to the successful implementation of the set goals in Party building, protecting the Party's ideological foundation, creating unity in perception, thought, will and action within the Party, and consensus in society.
With wide coverage, fast spreading speed, and rich forms of expression, digital transformation helps the leadership of the Party and the Government's administration to promote effectiveness and efficiency, increase transparency, strengthen closer connections, limit corruption, and create healthy development for society. Digital transformation also helps to enhance the interaction between the Party, the Government and the people, thereby consolidating and enhancing the trust and responsibility of each individual, creating opportunities for people to participate in the management, supervision and decision-making process of public agencies.
In the work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation, digital transformation promotes innovation in activities implemented in practice. Because with modern technologies, we can build and organize many activities and diverse products, meeting the diverse needs of the community and adapting to new demands of society.
However, digital transformation also brings great challenges to management, operation, and ensuring national security, especially the struggle to protect the Party's ideological foundation in the current period. With its open nature, cyberspace is a favorable environment for hostile forces to increase their sabotage activities, with increasingly sophisticated and sinister tricks. Subjects set up websites, blogs, Facebook, YouTube, open "forums", "clubs", form online groups, etc. to disseminate information, documents, images, and video clips with bad and toxic content; post false information to attack and deny the achievements that our country has achieved, defame the leaders of the Party and State, distort the policies of the Party and State, and deny the path to socialism in Vietnam.
Digital transformation also brings huge challenges to management, operation, and ensuring national security, especially the struggle to protect the Party's ideological foundation in the current period.
In the context of the current strong digital transformation, hostile and reactionary forces at home and abroad are thoroughly exploiting the internet to collect state secrets to serve their dark political schemes. Statistics from the authorities show that over the past 10 years, more than 1,000 cases of revealing state secrets have been discovered.
In addition to cases of intentional disclosure of state secrets that have been strictly handled by law, there are still many cases of information leakage due to subjectivity, negligence, lack of vigilance, lack of understanding of digital technology, weak infrastructure, limited security technology, etc. These are "fat baits" for hostile forces to exploit to sabotage. From here, it has more or less negatively impacted the ideology and awareness of a number of cadres, party members and people; causing confusion, suspicion, and undermining confidence in the country and in the leadership role of the Party. Faced with this situation, we need specific strategies and solutions to ensure that the digital transformation process will bring the highest efficiency, contributing to firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation.
Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW dated October 22, 2018 of the Politburo on "Strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints in the new situation" affirms: Firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation and effectively fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints is a fundamental, important and vital content in the work of Party building and rectification, which is the top priority task of the entire Party, the entire army and the entire people.
The Resolution clearly states the need to innovate content and methods, improve the quality and effectiveness of political propaganda; fight against erroneous and hostile viewpoints in a proactive, highly convincing and attractive manner; increase positive information along with effectively preventing, handling and eliminating bad and toxic information on the internet and social networks... To do this, one of the first things to do is to improve the quality and effectiveness of management and use of the internet and digital platforms. In particular, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp, propagate and effectively implement the Law on Cyber Security and the "Code of Conduct on Social Networks" issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications; strictly adhere to the principles of using social networks, exploiting and using the internet in an effective, practical and healthy manner.
It is necessary to strengthen the application of digital technology in the work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation. Based on digital transformation, we need to create quality content and communication products that are suitable for different audiences in society. Currently, communication forms such as videos, podcasts, infographics, etc. are popular. These are diverse and attractive forms of information transmission, helping different audiences to access propaganda information more easily and quickly. Therefore, in the work of propagating and protecting the Party's ideological foundation, it is necessary to exploit and effectively promote new, close, convincing and attractive forms of expression.
Authorities need to strengthen cyberspace management, promptly detect false and distorted information, resolutely fight to prevent, remove, and strictly handle violations according to legal regulations. Maximize the advantages of information technology and the official press network, proactively report and promptly reflect issues of concern to the people, resolutely refute false, bad, and toxic information, and contribute to orienting public opinion. It is necessary to promote the grasp of people's thoughts through groups on social networks, fanpages, blogs, etc.; build information pages to spread examples of good people and good deeds, promote the spirit of solidarity, sharing, "mutual love and affection", etc. with the goal of "using beauty to eliminate ugliness", contributing to eliminating bad, toxic information, distorting and distorting the truth.
Statistics from authorities show that over the past 10 years, more than 1,000 cases of revealing state secrets have been discovered.
Besides cases of intentional disclosure of state secrets that have been severely punished by law, there are still many cases of information leakage stemming from subjectivity, negligence, lack of vigilance, lack of understanding of digital technology, weak infrastructure, limited security technology...
It is necessary to organize training courses for cadres and party members on skills and knowledge of using information technology in protecting the Party's ideological foundation, so that each individual can clearly understand the operating mechanism of social networks and electronic information sites and use them proficiently and effectively. Continue to promote propaganda and education on information security and information confidentiality in protecting the Party's ideological foundation.
It is necessary to focus on training and developing special, specialized forces and networks of collaborators with the support of technology to promptly detect, prevent, and even proactively attack and eliminate products containing distorted and harmful information. In propaganda work, it is necessary to especially target the younger generation, helping them raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges in digital transformation, alertly identify the plots and sabotage tricks of hostile and reactionary forces in cyberspace, strengthen resistance and immunity, and be proactive, thereby proactively participating in the fight against and refuting erroneous and hostile views on social networks.
In terms of infrastructure, in the process of digital transformation, it is necessary to focus on building and developing a synchronous national data infrastructure, investing in equipment systems to collect, store, process and protect public data. Promote the application of scientific and technological achievements to effectively secure network transmission lines, information portals and websites; strengthen solutions to ensure network information security and safety at agencies and units, create "firewalls" to effectively prevent and combat hackers from attacking and stealing internal information and information of state secrets through network-connected computer systems.
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