Notably, the Provincial Police have promoted their standing role, advising the Provincial People's Committee to direct the Heads of departments, branches, sectors, organizations, Chairmen of the People's Committees at district and commune levels to resolutely direct the Working Group of Project 06+ to digitally transform villages as the core in guiding people to install and activate electronic identification accounts as well as instructing them on how to use the VneID application. Up to now, the province has had 713,860 activated electronic identification accounts (level 1 is: 56,254 accounts, level 2 is: 657,606 accounts), out of a total of 977,829 citizens over 14 years old, reaching 73% of eligible people, being one of the provinces with the highest rate of electronic identification account activation in the country. Deploying accommodation management platforms at: Hotels, apartments, villas, motels, houses with rooms for tourists to rent; Boarding houses, guesthouses, and public housing in Vinh Phuc province according to the Model of Project 06.
100% of educational institutions are ready to deploy online teaching and learning platforms in teaching and learning when natural disasters and epidemics occur; 100% of educational institutions exploit and use shared online learning material repositories on digital platforms (vinhphuc.violet.vn); 100% of educational institutions use digital platforms to inform and communicate with parents about students' learning situation, including social networking applications; 100% of educational institutions exploit and use shared online learning material repositories on digital platforms (igiaoduc.vn; https://itrithuc.vn; vinhphuc.violet.vn).
The Department of Health regularly creates and updates data on the personal electronic health record system in the province. As of June 12, 2024, 1,210,986 personal health records have been created, accounting for over 96% of the total population in the province. Deploying health insurance examination and treatment using chip-embedded citizen identification cards and VneID application: 100% of medical examination and treatment facilities have upgraded HIS medical examination and treatment software and invested in equipment to serve health insurance examination and treatment using chip-embedded citizen identification cards or VneID application. According to reports from medical examination and treatment units, the total number of medical examinations and treatments at medical examination and treatment facilities is 559,828. Of which, 259,399 were examined and treated using chip-embedded citizen identification cards and 1,213 were examined and treated using VneID.
The State Bank's implementation of non-cash payments continues to achieve positive results: It is estimated that by the end of June 2024, non-cash payment transactions in the area will increase by 58.3% in quantity and 30.8% in value compared to the same period in 2023; via the Internet channel will increase by 49.3% in quantity and 21.6% in value; via mobile phone channels will increase by 64.7% in quantity and 32.8% in value; via QR code will increase by 653.84% in quantity and 1,034.72% in value. Transactions via ATM will decrease by 12.34% in quantity and 8.78% in value compared to the same period in 2023. This result shows the trend of shifting from cash payments to electronic payment methods. The technical infrastructure serving card payments continues to be improved and upgraded with 241 ATMs; 990 POS installed at businesses, supermarkets, distribution chains, retail stores, restaurants, resorts, medical facilities, hospitals, schools... throughout the province.
The provincial tax department has strengthened the implementation of electronic invoices with codes generated by tax authorities from cash registers, creating favorable conditions for sellers when applying electronic invoices, protecting consumer rights in being issued invoices immediately when purchasing goods and services, improving the effectiveness of applying legal policies on electronic invoices. Continue to expand the application of electronic tax on mobile devices (eTax Mobile) to expand communication channels, support taxpayers to look up tax liability information, declare taxes, pay taxes anytime, anywhere and promote cashless payments. Strengthen the review and standardization of personal tax code data to ensure correct, sufficient, clean data, synchronize tax data with the National Population Database and contribute to promoting national digital transformation, moving towards using personal identification codes instead of tax codes. At the same time, focus on implementing tax collection and payment according to the payable identification code (ID), clearly defining the tasks and responsibilities of each unit in implementing tax payment according to the payable identification code; instructing taxpayers to pay taxes according to the payable identification code; coordinating with the State Treasury and banks in Vinh Phuc province to implement tax collection and payment in electronic form, without using cash, limiting errors, wrong debts, and virtual debts for taxpayers. Specific results, in the first 6 months of 2024, the whole province had 100% of enterprises registering and submitting tax declarations via the Internet. The rate of taxpayers declaring tax electronically reached approximately 100% of the total number of tax declarations submitted. The whole province had 100% of operating enterprises registering for electronic tax payment, the number of payment slips and the amount of electronic tax payment reached 98.99% compared to the total number of payment slips; 100% of taxpayers' tax refund dossiers are done electronically.
The provincial Social Insurance has requested employers, employees, and people to coordinate in implementing the addition and declaration of citizen identification numbers or personal identification numbers to the participation declaration form, adjusting social insurance and health insurance information to serve the synchronization of data managed by the Social Insurance sector with the National Population Database, ensuring that 100% of participants declare their personal identification numbers/citizen identification numbers and update them in the database managed by the Vietnam Social Insurance, as scheduled, before October 1, 2024. The total number of VssID installations since implementation to date is 557,320/1,122,917, reaching 49.6% of employees participating in social insurance and health insurance. The provincial Social Insurance has also promoted the sharing and updating of information between the National Database of the Social Insurance sector and the National Database on Population of the Ministry of Public Security. Up to now, 100% of medical examination and treatment facilities have performed medical examination and treatment using citizen identification cards; the number of searches was 815,204 and the number of successful searches was 639,308, reaching 78.4%. To ensure timely and full benefits for social insurance and health insurance participants, especially the benefits of medical examination and treatment of participants, the provincial Social Insurance has always strengthened the guidance for employees and people to participate in social insurance; installed and used the Digital Social Insurance software - VssID, the total number of VssID installations is 535,840 people.
The Department of Information and Communications advises the Provincial People's Committee to issue many directive documents, creating a legal corridor to promote digital transformation; Organize training courses on digital transformation human resources for cadres, leaders, managers, cadres working on digital transformation advisory work of departments, branches, sectors, and localities; Develop a provincial data strategy; Open data portal; Deploy a data analysis and processing platform... Continue to improve the information system for handling administrative procedures, add electronic data warehouse features for organizations and citizens, and digital tools for handling effective administrative procedures; expand connections and share data with ministries and sectors through the province's data integration and sharing platform (LGSP); Promote the provision of online public services in the land sector in combination with building a database for the Natural Resources and Environment sector; Building applications, digitizing data for databases in the Justice sector, especially civil status, judicial records, notarization, property auctions... specialized databases, enriching information for the National Population Database.
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